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The best bee sting treatment would be to pull the stinger out, if there is one in the skin, and use Hydro-cortisone cream. If the burn persists, try applying some Calamine lotion.

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Q: What is the bee string treatment?
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You need to neutralise the bee sting and using bicorbonate or washing soda will help neutralize it.

Is there an all-natural bee sting treatment?

Baking soda and water spread on the bee sting area is a good all-natural bee sting treatment. Ice on the affected area afterwards will assist in bringing down the inflammation.

Why you are applying baking soda in the body part where the bee string?

The enzymes in bee venom are deactivated by the baking soda so that the pain is reduced.

How do you treat a bumble bee sting?

you can put mud on the sting to sooth it and the mud is supposed to draw out the venome I am no expert on the mud treatment but a bumble bee sting requires similar treatment to that of a honey bee. There are some pretty good answers and videos covering that.

What is b-pollen?

Bee pollen comes from a bee's body after he has visited many flowers. Health food stores often sell bottled bee pollen as purported remedy for a number of different things. Bee pollen as a treatment has not been backed by science, and really just takes valuable pollen away from the bee.

Who practices Bee Venom Therapy?

Some physicians practice BVT, but the majority of those Seeking treatment rely on lay practitioners, bee keepers, themselves, or a partner, who is taught to use the bees.

Does vinegar neutralise a bee sting?

It may help with the pain. If you're allergic, it's NOT a substitute for proper treatment.

What is the most common bee sting treatment?

There are a wide variety of bee sting treatments out there, but the most common of them all is icing the sting and taking an anti-histamine. Combining both will yield the best results.