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Q: What is the best Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 title and emblem website?
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How do you get the silver emblem and title on call of duty modern warfare 3?

Kill Soap

How do you get the pineapple express emblem in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

It happens to be a title, not an emblem. You're supposed to get 25 kills with fragmentation grenades.

How do you get everything unlocked in modern warfare 2?

You have to complete all of the weapon, perk, title, and emblem challenges legitimately.

How do you get the skunk emblem in modern warfare 2?

it is unlocked through prestige challenges and you have to get 100 kills in last stand,alongside this emblem you get a gold title that says 'The Stand'

What is the spectre iv challenge in call of duty modern warfare 2?

it gives you the ac130 title and the gold cross emblem from mw1

Do you get anything if you prestige 10 times in modern warfare 2?

Not apart from a new title, emblem and the extra custom class slot

How do you get the ghost emblem on modern warfare 2?

you must get mvp on team deathmatch if so u also get public enemy title

What is the best modern warfare 2 title?

anything that you like, because its what you prefer, no what other likes, and in my opinion I would choose a gold skull title will be fine :), for emblem I like the nuke emblem, and you unlock it when you call in 10 nukes :)

How do you get a gun title in modern warfare 2?

You have to get 500 kills for the silver title, 1000 kills for the emblem (silver) 2500 kills for the White skull title, 250 headshots for the silver title with a headshot emblem in it, 1000 for the gold emblem or 2500 for the Gold skull emblem. This is for Submarine, Assault and Light Machine guns other weapons may vary but just look it up in the challenges section. Hope this helps :)

What is the title for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

modern warfare 2

How do you get the Mario emblem on call of duty modern warfare 2?

first of all its not a Mario emblem its captain price. You get it when u get the behind enemy lines title and u get that by getting a 10 killsteak without any killstreaks eqquipped

How do you unlock the gold skulls ac130 title mw2?

You need to get "specre VII" I think that's like 1000 AC130 kills, when you get the gloden AC130 title you also get the spinning 10th prestige emblem from modern warfare one.