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bug,ghost,or dark

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Q: What is the best Pokemon to use on physic Pokemon?
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What trainer has a gangar in Pokemon Platinum?

you can find gengar in victory road as you enter use rock climb and there i a physic train with it but in pearl and diamond fanita has it

What is super effective against psychic?

Dark ghost and bug type moves

How do you get the physic Pokemon Espeon?

Max out Eevee's happiness, then level it up during the daytime.

Who is the elite four in firered?

Lorelei- ice Pokemon Bruno- rock Pokemon Agatha- physic/ghost Pokemon Lance- Dragon Pokemon Last your rival Gary

Why are psychic Pokemon super effective against each other in leaf green?

only some are like physic is super effective agansit poision and ghost but a poke that is physic and poisin might be effective

Related questions

Physic Pokemon are weekend by what in Pokemon emerald?

physic Pokemon are weakend by dark

What Pokemon does the 6 gym leader have on Pokemon ruby?

The sixth gym leader is called Tate and Liza, a pair of physic type trainers. They use a Solrock and a Lunatone, both rock and physic type.

What is the best type on Pokemon?

Fire, ice, water, steel, ghost, physic, and dark. Happy

What is the best Pokemon for battling the elite four on Pokemon soul silver?

Lugia because it is physic and super affective against poison and fighting but don't use it against dark because they will kill it easily

What type of Pokemon is mewtew?


What beats physics?

With another physic Pokemon

What is week against poochyena in Pokemon ruby?

physic type pokemon.

What type of Pokemon can beat a physic Pokemon in Pokemon battle quest?

Bug, Ghost or Dark.

What Pokemon can learn physic?

phsycic pokemon and phsycic-and-other-type pokemon. it's a phsycic move.

What type can beat a poison-type Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

ground and physic Pokemon are super effective against poison Pokemon

How do you make an object rotate?

you hold it and turn it round or if you are physic you can use your physic powers.

What element are physic type Pokemon super effective?

Poison and fighting