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Q: What is the best approach for a fourteen year old girl to tell her parents she is dating a eighteen year old boy?
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Can a eighteen year old date a sixteen year old with the sixteen year old consent of the parents but the needs the eighteen years old consent of the parents?

That is up to the parents. There are no laws regarding dating. Both are over the age of consent in most places.

I am seventeen about to turn eighteen and just met this girl and we were going to date but she is only fourteen What is illegal under Texas law while you are seventeen and when you turn eighteen?

The laaaw is okay on dating at 17 years. But if you have sex at 17 years then it becomes a serious matter. (from asker of question) Neither of us intend on having sex until we are married (whether it is to each other or not). Can we hold hands, hug, kiss, etc? The law would look at this as an "adult" (eighteen) dating a child (fourteen) unfortunately, causing there to be more restrictions than just that, right?

Is it illegal for a fourteen year old female to have a relationship with an eighteen year old male in the state of Texas?

There are no laws about dating. There are specific laws about sexual activity and the age of consent is 17 in Texas.

Can a sixteen year old girl and an eighteen year old guy get in-trouble for dating in Missouri?

In most countries dating is not a crime even among minors. Minors however may need the parents consent.

In order to date does your mom or dad have to approve?

If you are at a young age say around thirteen or fourteen, I would check with my parents, if you are younger then that you shouldn't even be dating.

Can a male nineteen and a female fourteen date with the consent of parents in the state of Arkansas?

While there are no laws about dating, there are laws about sexual contact. And they cannot allow you to do something that is illegal.

Is it legal for a fourteen year old female to date a seventeen year old male who is turning eighteen in the state of California without a non-sexual relationship?

While there are no laws about dating in California, there are laws about sexual contact. This could get him into trouble.

Can the parents of a minor get a boy over 18 in trouble with the law for them dating even if they wait to date when shes 18?

If they wait till she is eighteen they can't do anything about it. but if they date before then then yes.

Can a fourteen year old date a nineteen year old with parental consent?

There are no laws about dating. However, sexual contact would be illegal and parents cannot consent to illegal activity.

Is it legal for an eighteen year old to date fifthteen year old in the state of Chicago?

Yes there are no laws against dating but of course the minors parents have to allow it. That does not mean sex is allowed though.

How old does someone have to be to register with OK Cupid?

The dating website okcupid maintains a minimum age of eighteen for anyone to join their website. If the registrant is below the age of eighteen, they will not be allowed to join that illustrious dating platform.

How do I tell MY mom im dating a guy 6 years older then me when im 16?

You should definitly wait until you're eighteen-Your parents could press charges against him for statutory rape.