

What is the best conductor of electricty?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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platinum and silver best conductors of electricity

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Q: What is the best conductor of electricty?
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Is metal a good conductor of electricty?

Most metals are good conductor's of electricity.

How is something a conductor of electricity?

if something has delocalised electrons it has the possibilty to conduct electricty

Which way in gold behave like iron or differently from iron?

Gold is not affected by air or water but iron is affected by air or water as it rusts

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Copper is a very good conductor of electricity that is easy to form into wire.

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Is water a conductor of electricty?

Yes and no. Pure water, i.e. distilled or deionized, is a very poor conductor of electricity. However, in most cases water is not pure and has some amount of dissolved ions making it a good conductor.

Is KCl a good electrical conductor?

yes KCl of potassium chloride is a good conductor of electricty, but ONLY when in an aqueous (water solution) or in molten (fused) state. It doesnot conduct in solid state.

Is KCL(s) a good conductor of electricity?

yes KCl of potassium chloride is a good conductor of electricty, but ONLY when in an aqueous (water solution) or in molten (fused) state. It doesnot conduct in solid state.

Is stainless steel the best conductor?

Stainless steel is not the best conductor. The best conductor is actually aluminum.

Is dry soap a conductor of electricity?

This solution is not a good conductor.

What type of metal is best conductor?

Silver is the best conductor

Does sulfur allowed electricity to move through it?

Sulfur (S) is not a conductor of electricy so electrons can not flow through it. Most condcutors of electricty are metals like Copper (Cu) or Nickel (Ni).