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Q: What is the best definition of a thrust fault?
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Is a thrust fault a normal fault?

No. A thrust fault is a low-angle reverse fault.

Is a thrust fault the same as normal fault?

No. A thrust fault is a reverse fault with a dip angle of less than 45 degrees.

In A Blank Fault The Hanging Wall Moves Up Relative To The Footwall?

Reverse Fault

Is the San Andreas fault a thrust fault?

No. It is a transform fault.

What is a thrust fault is a?

A blind thrust fault is a geological term for a type of thrust fault which does not appear on the surface - where a hanging wall makes an angle with the horizontal of less than 45 degrees, but is hidden from view.

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A thrust fault is a what fault with a shallow angle?


What is a fault that is formed when compression causes the hanging wall to move over the foot wall is a?

This is called a reverse or thrust fault.

What are 4 kinds of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.

How does the movement of the crust along a thrust fault differ from that along the normal fault?

The movement of the crust along a thrust fault is usually a reverse movement unlike the movement along a normal fault.

How does the movement of the crust along a thrust fault differ from that along a normal fault?

The movement of the crust along a thrust fault is usually a reverse movement unlike the movement along a normal fault.

What type of fault forms when two rocks slide past each other?