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Change in the directions and intensities of a group of waves after passing by an obstacle or through an aperture whose size is approximately the same as the wavelength of the waves.

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Q: What is the best definition of diffraction?
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Where can one find information about diffraction definition?

one can find information about diffraction definition on dictionaries or online dictionaries which can be found using things like duckduckgo. It is very simple to find more information.

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What is the best example for diffraction?

my peni s is in ur moms pu ssy

What is the bending of waves around the edge of a barrier called?

Diffraction. It occurs when waves encounter an obstacle or aperture and bend around it, spreading out into the region behind the barrier.

What is the angle of minimum deviation in a diffraction experiment?

The angle of minimum deviation in a diffraction experiment is the angle at which the diffracted light rays are the most spread out, resulting in the best separation of the different colors. It is typically smaller than the angle of the first diffraction minimum to achieve maximum dispersion.

Is the best definition of sublime?

"Is" is not the best definition of sublime.

What is diffraction and how does the amount of diffraction depend on wave length?

Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles and the spreading of waves as they pass through apertures. The amount of diffraction depends on the wavelength of the wave: shorter wavelengths produce less diffraction, while longer wavelengths produce more pronounced diffraction effects.

How many classes of diffraction?

fresnel diffraction and fraunhoffer diffractions

What is another term for fraunhofer diffraction?

Another term for Fraunhofer diffraction is far-field diffraction. This type of diffraction occurs when the distance between the diffracting object and the screen observing the diffraction pattern is much greater than the dimensions of the diffracting object.

What is the definition of diffraction grating?

A diffraction grating is a device that consists of a series of closely spaced parallel slits or rulings used to separate light into its individual wavelengths. When light passes through a grating, it is diffracted, producing a pattern of spectral lines that can be used for spectroscopy or other analytical purposes.

The bending of a wave around a barrier is called?

It is called diffraction.

Can you make a sentence with the word diffraction?

i couldn't make a sentence with diffraction! :)