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Q: What is the best design for an eggonaut bottle rocket?
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What is the best fins for the bottle rocket?

the best fins for a bottle rocket is having four fins located at the bottom of your bottle rocket the shape of long triangles ! ! ! :) hope it helps !

What is the best way to design a bottle rocket that will travel the highest altitude?

make it hold as much pressure as possible and experiment with the amount of fluid/air.

What is the best angle for bottle rocket fins?

About 50 Degreise

Best shape for a bottle rocket nose cone?

square before you put it together

What is the best aerodynamic fin design for bottle rockets?

Right angle fins is the best

What is the best fin size for a 2 liter bottle rocket?

There does not appear to be a "best" size. It depends on a number of factors, to include the bottle used (brand of drink & manufacturer), type of rocket, distance aiming for. One common element to consider is drag. Larger fins have greater surface and mass which will directly affect the altitude your rocket can reach.

What are the best wine bottle labels?

What is considered the best wine bottle labels would be dependent on the person viewing them. A clean, simple design could contribute to its attractiveness, as could a unique logo.

What rocket was the best?

Saturn 5 was the best rocket.

What shape of fins for water bottle rocket that will give a longest airborne time?

A regular rectangular shaped fin makes the best flight time.

How much air pressure does it take to launch a water rocket?

the best psi for launching a bottle rocket high is 65 psi because usually you want it to go high without a big chance of exploding in you face

What is the best rocket launcher?

Saturn V WAS the best rocket launcher.

What was the 'rocket'?

Saturn 5 was the best rocket.