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Q: What is the best material for a mortar and pestle to be made of?
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What is mortar and pestle made out of?

The mortar and pestle isn't made by players in the game. You can purchase on from herblore shops such as the one in Taverley.

What are the laboratory apparatuses that are made of?

Crucible, pestle and mortar

What are the laboratory apparatuses that are made of porcelain?

Crucible, pestle and mortar

What is a Mortar and Pestle used for?

It's a grinding and mixing tool. They're made from ceramic with an unglazed, rounded grinding end, and they're always used with a pestle--a little bowl made from ceramic that's unglazed inside. You pour the product you're going to grind and/or mix into the pestle, then rub it around with the mortar umtil it's the consistency you need.

Everybody knows what a mortar and pestle is when they are together but which is which?

Mortar is the bowl made of a hard substance. Pestle is the heavy counterpart that is used to crush ingredients. Together they are used to ground various substances.

What was a mortar and a pestle made out of?

it has traditionally been made of marble yet I am sure they can be made from many sources

What is sentence pestle?

A pestle is a bowl, usually made from a very heavy and dense stone used to crush seeds, herbs and spices in by using a mortar, which is made usually from the same stone. The two are usually used together, "Now grind the rock salt with your mortar and pestle until you have fine granules."

What is a Mortar and how is it used in chemestry?

A mortar and pestle is a tool used to crush, grind, and mix substances. The pestle is a heavy bat shaped stick whose end is used for pounding and grinding, and the mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, marble, clay, or stone.

What is a mortar and pestle and how are they used?

A mortar and pestle is a tool used to grind and mix substances, including chemicals in a laboratory and also food in the kitchen. The pestle is a heavy small bat, made from porcelain, wood or other materials, whose rounded end is used for pounding and grinding. The mortar is a bowl, which can be made from porcelain, wood, carved stone or other materials. The substance is ground between the pestle and the mortar by rubbing or pounding the substance with the pestle against the wall of the mortar, thus turning it into a fine powder.See the Related Links for more information and pictures of a mortar and pestle.It is used to crush/grind solid particles into a fine powder, for example...almonds sometimes need to be crushed to be added to a recipe

What are the laboratory apparatus made of porcelain?

Examples: crucible, dish, boat, mortar and pestle, bottle etc.

What are the laboratory apparatus that made of porcelain?

Examples: crucible, dish, boat, mortar and pestle, bottle etc.

What does a raven eat on runescape?

Ravens eat Ground fishing bait. This is made by using a pestle and mortar on fishing bait.