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You can't train a dog to "go",but you can train it to go outside.

You can relly train any type of dog with this method:

take your dog for frequent walks to let them sense new things so they will leave there sent,lets just say.When your dog goes say a word that will trigger that like pee or well,anything really.Remember never leave your dog in your yard forever because there isn't anything to sent so he won't "go".Always praise your dog for going outside to do it's buissness.Never punish your dog for going inside,it won't help anything.

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12y ago

Beagles can be trained the same as any other dog. You will need to first create a schedule, then get them crates (or areas of the house to keep them when you cannot watch them), then get your dogs used to the schedule over the following weeks so you and they both know when to go outside.

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12y ago

when you see your dog sniffing the ground, take him\her outside or where ever you want him to do his business. soon he'll understand where he needs to go to the toilet. praise him when he does it in the correct spot and dont scold too much if he does it somewhere else. Never press his nose to the spot where he made when he shouldnt have because that makes him think he should do it there.

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Like I say in most of my answers, it all depends on the dog. However, in general, puggle puppies are pretty easy to potty train. So if you have a dog of this breed, potty training should be pretty easy for you.

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I don't even know WHO Dr Phil is, let alone his so called "potty training" method.

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You can begin potty training puppies at a very early age. There is a particular method I have read about, and have had luck with trying. It is called the "Misty Method." It is recommended that training should begin at 3 to 3 1/2 weeks old. The method basically consists of making sure the pup or pups are in an enclosure, and that the enclosure includes areas for sleeping, playing, eating, and a separated area for elimination. It's a really great method for very early training. This method sets the puppy up to understand the concepts of NOT eliminating in a dog crate, or places where the puppy eats or sleeps.

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Well to potty train a shih tzu it is really hard bc if u buy a mattt then they will.......then they won't

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yes you can potty train a guinea pig and it is so easy to train them but you have to be patient. if you would like to see how to potty train a guinea pig then go on you tube and type in how to potty train a guinea pig and you can see all you need to know

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Is it possible to potty trains cows?

No, you cannot potty train cows.

How do you potty train pups?

To successfully potty train puppies, maintain a regular feeding schedule. Be sure to take them outside every hour and after meals. Recognize the puppies' behavior before they need to eliminate and take them out then. Bring your pets a lot of rewards and praise when they eliminate outside. Find a location for that process and stay with that spot. As well, develop a signal to stop possible accidents from happening, such as a whistle, a snap of a finger or clapping.

Is all dog potty train?

you mean are all dogs potty trained? Then no.

How long does it take to potty train a boxer puppie?

You do not potty train dogs. You train them to defecate in appropriate places. It should take 2 to 4 weeks.

How do you potty train a stubborn child?

You can potty train a stubborn child by bribing them. You could bribe the stubborn child with food or toys for example.