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The best course of action is to separate yourself from the mold environment. Drink immune system boosting tea made from ginger, ginseng, turmeric, rosehips. Drink one fourth tablespoon of cayenne pepper twice daily in a glass of water.

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Q: What is the best mold allergy treatment available?
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What is the most effective mold allergy treatment?

Prevention would be preferable but antihistamines, careful removal of the mold, and bleach cleansing of the area should do the trick. It should be noted that individuals with mold allergies often are allergic to penicillin. Taking medicines is considered to be effective for mold allergy treatment. When mold allergy sysmptoms develop communicate with your health practitioner and he will tell you the suitable mold allaergy treatment based on the condition. The most popular medications for the mold allargy treatment are Claritin, Clarinex and Zyrtec There are several medications avcailable to treat mold allergies most contain anthehetimine. The most effective way to treat the mold allergy is tyo remove the source of the mold.

What medication will I be given as a mold allergy treatment?

The most common prescription medication for mold allergies is Singulair. This medication is heavily prescribed in America and has very few side affects. Many other over the counter drugs are readily available in both pill and spray forms and do a good job at treating mold allergies.

Can you have fermented products with a mold allergy?


How do I know if I have a mold allergy and is there any medicine I could use?

Characteristics of someone with a mold allergy are a it can make you cough, make your eyes itch and cause other symptoms that make you miserable. For more information go to...

Can you take a medicine if you have a mold allergy?

It depends on the medicine. You should see your primary care physician and speak to him/her about what medicine you'd like to take, and if it would effect your mold allergy.

How do I know if I have mold allergy and symptoms?

After visiting with your doctor, he or she may recommend that you have a skin prick test or blood test to determine if you have mold allergies. Mold allergy symptoms may include wheezing, rashes, hives, itchy and watery eyes, wheezing, and a stuffy or runny nose.

What are some mold allergy symptoms?

Some mold allergy symptoms are wheezing, itchy and watery eyes, rashes or hives, and a stuffy or runny nose. You can treat these symptoms with various medications. Talk to your doctor about managing them now.

Can being around mold cause you to lose weight?

Yes, if you have extreme allergy to them, like me...

Are oxytetracycline and penicillin from the same family?

No. Penicillin comes originally from the penicillium mold (mould). The tetracyclines all come from the streptomyces mold (mould). Oxytetracycline is related to streptomycin. Allergy to it probably means allergy to streptomycin, but not to penicillin. And vice-versa.

How to Recognize and Treat Mold Allergies?

Mold allergies, unlike hay fever or pollen allergies, can occur year-round. Although many allergies can be treated temporarily with over-the-counter medication, it doesn’t address the underlying condition. Because the symptoms of mold allergies can be similar to other allergic reactions (congestion, itching, sneezing), it is important to have the type of allergy properly diagnosed so the correct treatment program can be determined. The best way to diagnose an allergy is to see an allergist, a doctor trained in diagnosing and treating allergic conditions. There are several skin prick tests used to diagnose what specific allergies you may have; the first level recognizes the most severe allergies, and the next level which recognizes less severe but still medically relevant allergies. Prior to your appointment, you will be instructed to refrain from taking medication such as antihistamines or decongestants, that could mask your symptoms or cause a false reading on the allergy tests. Generally, it is recommended that you quit taking these medications at least 3 days prior to your appointment. Once diagnosed, a treatment plan is established. This usually involves a combination of removing the allergen as much as possible, medication (often in both nasal spray and tablet forms) and, if appropriate, allergy shots to raise the patient’s allergic threshold. Depending on the type, mold allergies may not respond as well to allergy shots than do allergies to animal dander or pollen. Often in mold allergy treatment, the best method is to minimize exposure to the irritant. Mold thrives in warm, damp environments; eliminating this environment will significantly reduce mold’s ability to propagate. It is best to reduce the level of humidity indoors to 45 percent or below by using a dehumidifier, and by adding a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter to air conditioning units in order to trap spores before they can be released. Make sure rooms that are commonly damp (bathroom, basements) are properly ventilated, and clean surfaces with a bleach solution to kill mold spores. Although allergies cannot be cured, properly diagnosing and treating a mold allergy can minimize symptoms and help to avoid health-related complications, such as sinusitis, asthma, or even more severe respiratory problems.

Are moldy books dangerous to read?

Yes. Mold spores are dangerous to breath in and may cause an allergy attack or some other problem. Black mold is particularly dangerous.

What are some medical symptoms associated with black mold?

The primary symptoms of black mold exposure are allergy-type symptoms such as runny nose, hives, teary eyes, etc.