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Q: What is the best precautions for a person looking to avoid catching Ebola?
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Can Ebola contaminate water if infected person's bodily fluids come in contact with it?

Ebola can contaminate basic water, but only for a couple of minutes at most. The water would need to have the same saline levels as the human body, or the host cell would build pressure until it ruptured. When the cell ruptures, the virus would die. If a person were handling bloody water in an environment ebola was present, it would still be prudent to take precautions.

What caused Ebola to spread to the US?

2014: The first person that spread the Ebola disease was because he went to Texas. It started from then. Ebola first appeared in 1976 near the Ebola River where it took its name.

How safe are we from catching Ebola?

In the United States a citizen is significantly less likely to catch Ebola than the average-run-of -the-mill Flu. While only 2 individuals have died of Ebola in 2014, over 30,000 individuals in this country have died from complications related to the common Flu.

Who was the last person with Ebola?

Ebola is still killing people and there are people here in the US being treated for EbolaBut Beatrice Yardolo was Liberia's last Ebola patient :)

How Ebola spread?

Ebola van be spread by direct contact with the infected person, needles, body fluids and contact with an object

Why do people who come from Africa really want to really infect Britain and America with Ebola?

No body will do like that. Ebola is acute illness and no body can plan like that after catching the disease. This is an ignorant and fear based question, which is what is causing so many rumors and false information to be spread. I suggest you go to the Center For Disease Control or World Health ORganization sites to read facts about EBOLA There has never been an instance of a person intentionally coming to any country to spread this disease.

What doctors do to treat a person that have Ebola disease?

Ebola virus disease is a viral illness.Treatment is mostly supportive with fluid therapy,analgesics etc.

Can Ebola contaminate water if infected person's bodily fluids come in contact?

No. Ebola has not been found to be either airborne nor waterborn.

Who was the Time Magazine Person of the Year in 2014?

The Time Magazine person of the year were the ebola fighters.

Who was the first person to get Ebola?

an african guy who ate an infected bat

How does Ebola kill a person?

They will just bleed out since they can not clot their blood.

Why is Ebola called Ebola?

Ebola hf stands for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever.