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Q: What is the best rocket fin shape?
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What shape of fins for water bottle rocket that will give a longest airborne time?

A regular rectangular shaped fin makes the best flight time.

Why is cardboard good for bottle rocket fins?

Because it is light weight, and easy to fold into the fin shape.

What is the best shape for a rocket and why?

The best shape of a rocket is a cylinder with a cone at the top, because that form penetrates easily trough the wind!

What are the best fin designs for stability of a model rocket please list in order?


What is the definition on fin on a rocket?

The definition of fin on a rocket would be, a thin, protruding piece of metal whose function is to provide aerodynamic stabilization when the rocket is in flight.

What is the definition of fin on a rocket?

The definition of fin on a rocket would be, a thin, protruding piece of metal whose function is to provide aerodynamic stabilization when the rocket is in flight.

What is the fin shape of a catfish?

The fin shape is usaly heart shape,but black.

What parts of a rocket help stabilize the rocket?

fin and tip (cone).

What is the difference between a long rocket fin and a short rocket fin?

A longer fin has increased aerodynamic drag. The geometric relationship between the drag caused by the fins and the center of gravity of the rocket determine the stability of the rocket in flight. Less aerodynamic drag means the rocket can go higher or farther, but it also means the rocket is less stable in flight. This tradeoff has to be considered in the design of the rocket.

What is the best fins for the bottle rocket?

the best fins for a bottle rocket is having four fins located at the bottom of your bottle rocket the shape of long triangles ! ! ! :) hope it helps !

What factors influence the distance a rocket can fly?

Wind and air resistance will affect the rocket's flight. Hence, shape of the fin is one of the other factors that will change the rockets centre of mass, and how much it drags in the air.

In a rocket What is the purpose of a fin?

It helps stabilise the flight