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swim,walk,yoga or team sports

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Q: What is the best sport or exercise for people with asthma?
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What is the best form of exercise when you have asthma?


How much can swimming reduce asthma?

Swimming, Surely is the best exercise for asthma. It will not completely cure the disease but will definitely reduce it. Because by doing swimming it will be a good breathing exercise.

What is the best way to exercise if you have asthma?

Some great ways to work out if you have asthma are to go swimming in a pool, run on the treadmill, or go jogging. It's best to perform exercise that won't cause the chest to tighten up and make it more difficult to breath.

Why is soccer the best sport in the world?

it is really fun and is good exercise

What sport best exercise?

Soccer ***** Basketball *** Tennis * Baseball ** Swimming ***

Which sport is better Fencing or Figure Skating?

Neither sport is naturally better or worse than the other. Both are enjoyable ways to get exercise and meet people. It all comes down to personal preference and ability which sport is best for which person.

Can people with asthma exercise?

That depends, and you should absolutely talk to your doctor about this! I don't know what kind of asthma you have, I don't know what your triggers are, and all I can do is speculate. If you don't have exercise induced asthma, then you should be fine so long as you're not exercising in an environment that has your asthma trigger. If you do have exercise induced asthma or would be exercising in an area where an asthma trigger would be present - prophylaxis would be indicated. Prophylaxis is pre-emptively treating the disorder before it happens. In this case you would either use a rescue inhaler BEFORE exercising or you would start using a daily asthma medicine to help control your attacks. Again, talk to your doctor because he will better understand the severity and full nature of your condition!

What is the best age to start exercise?

Exercise is best to start at a young age, where playing and running around is crucial in everyday life. Often once kids go to school, they take a sport. If there is no sport, make sure you get your child involved in a sport or program after school. Joining a gym is good, too.

Why is skateboarding a good exercise?

because your always standing and moving your whole body to do tricks or just to coast my opinion best sport and exercise ever.

What is the best spring sport?

There are many different opinions on what is the best Spring sport to play. Many people believe that soccer is the best Spring sport.

What are the best exercises currently on the market?

The best exercises for children are ones that incorporate fun. You should try to find an exercise that is a sport.

What is the best exercise for people in their fifties?
