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it is better if you take natural remedies such as an apple a day. i have had the same problem for over 3 years, the doctors always give me different medication but it doesn't help for long. I have started eating an apple a day for like 2 weeks now, i have noticed that my stomach has gone better, i can digest food properly and eat everything Answer 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda in a glass of water ,then add just a touch of vinegar . this will cause it to foam . drink it quickly . the was used by my grandma she is 90 + years old and i use it also .it will kill the acid instanty. kinda like a liquid form of alkaselzer Answer That depends how severe the reflux is. Avoidance of spicy foods, coffee, peppermints, and so on certainly can help some people. Others, however, need medication for the condition, as it can certainly be severe. Starting with over the counter medications such as Pepcid are a good option; stronger medications require a prescription. It's important to treat reflux, not just for symptom relief, but also to prevent any damage or cancerous changes to the esophagus that occur when the acid comes into it. Hope this helps! Dr. B. Answer YOu also need to get a definitive diagnosis from a doctor if your reflux is severe.

Answer2: I suffered for years taking prescription and over the counter remedies. There is a lot yiu can do if you change the way you eat and what you eat. Avoid heavy meals at any one time, choose smaller meals throughout the day. Avoid foods that create acid, heavy red meats, certain carbohydrates, tomato sauce, caffeine, peppermint tea and gum. Buy Braggs or other apple cider vinegar and when you feel the symptoms, mix a teaspoon or two in a small glass of water and drink.

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16y ago

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it is better if you take natural remedies such as an apple a day. i have had the same problem for over 3 years, the doctors always give me different medication but it doesn't help for long. I have started eating an apple a day for like 2 weeks now, i have noticed that my stomach has gone better, i can digest food properly and eat everything

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11y ago

1. Weight reduction if obesity is present 2. Avoid tight clothes and tight corset, belts 3. Sleep with three pillows or raise the head end of the bed so as to avoid acid trickling down the gullet during sleep. 4. Regular use of antacids and anti reflux medication . 5. Avoid spicy food and citrus food and drinks 6. Finally surgery if symptoms are interfering with normal life styleso

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11y ago

Occasional bouts of acid reflux is best treated by simple commercial antacids. Mild cases can be treated with home remedies such as milk or baking soda. Repeated instances should be referred to a professional, as it can lead to problems. There are prescription remedies if these are needed.

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11y ago

Many people drink a small amount of apple cider vinegar to help with the pain from acid reflux. Removing the cause of acid reflux is often the only way to completely treat it. Monitor what you are eating and keep track of what triggers your acid reflux.

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12y ago

One of the best home remedies for Acid Reflux is to avoid certain foods that are high in acidity or spicy. But if it really is a constant thing then its something you should discuss with you health care physician. He or she will be able to tell you other methods that work best for calming Acid Reflux or give you medicine that could help.

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11y ago

The best home remedy for acid reflux is to eat smaller meals. After eating a small meal drink at least 1 8oz. glass of cool plain water and sit upright for at least 1 hour. This should prevent acid reflux.

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11y ago

Acid reflux can be very painful and irritating. It is worth asking the pharmacist for recommended medication if needed, or try some home remedies such as herbal liquorice.

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Diet and lifestyle changes can help treat acid reflux. Avoiding beverages and foods that are known to trigger heartburn, such as Carbonated Beverages, chocolate, and citrus fruits.

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13y ago

Using a bit of baking soda in some water is a good home remedy for acid reflux. It will help neutralize the acid.

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What are the most doctor-recommended acid reflux remedies?

Proton Pump Inhibitors such as Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium are the most often doctor-recommended acid reflux remedies.,2933,412202,00.html

What home remedies can be used for acid reflux relief?

Apple Cider and Aloe vera can do wonders.

Are there any natural remedies for acid reflux that are safe and effective?

There is an article at that lists many safe and effective methods for acid reflux. This article also gives you a lot of other information about acid reflux.

How is acid reflux treated in infants?

Many of the medications are used to treat acid reflux in adults are used for babies. The dosing is determined accordingly, of course. Zantac and Reglin are commonly prescribed. Some parents swear by chiropractic treatments for their infants, while others opt for homepathic remedies.

Where would I find acid reflux recipes and remedies?

Spicy foods are a main contributor to acid reflux. Recipes containing garlic, onion, tomatoes, and citrus are also a factor. Try and stay away from fast food and frozen dinners.

Home remedies acid reflux?

Tums. Not a real home remedy, but pop a handful of fruit flavored tums and it will be gone instantly.

How do you say acid reflux in french?

"acid reflux" is "reflux gastrique" in French.

Can you have kids if you have acid reflux?

Does acid reflux contribute to sterility? No. But if you have kids, their behaviour can contribute to acid reflux.

What are some diet plans for acid reflux?

There is a diet for people with acid reflux, or at least dietary restrictions. People with reflux find some relief when they avoid acidic foods, coffee, and carbonated beverages.

Is watermelon bad for acid reflex?

I think no, as watermelon contains Ph 6.1 that mean it good for treat acid reflux. If you want to eat it then you can. However if you have acid reflux then you should try some natural remedies like "Aloe Vera if you like then you can try natural medicine like" spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be exact in water, 1/2 cup aloe vera juice, or even use readily available remedies form your pharmacist

How can acid reflux be treated or cured?

yes, acid reflux can be treated. I prevent my acid reflux with Gaviscon and stop the pain after feeling it with prevacid. I do not believe acid reflux can be completely cured but it can be very well controlled.

Where can I go online to find some information on gastric reflux diets?

To learn more information about gastric reflux diets you can try this site It gives you everything you need to know about having acid reflux.