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It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food. It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food.

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14y ago

I feed mine Kitten milk replacer... you can also use puppy milk it is about $9.00 for a can at PetsMart! =] Hope this helps! Good luck!! :)

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Q: What do humans feed abandoned baby mice?
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What do baby mice eat when their eyes are closed?

Before baby mice open their eyes, they're too young to be weaned. The mother mouse will feed them milk. If the babies don't have a mother or have been abandoned, they'll need to be fostered or hand-fed, or they won't survive.

Feeding baby mice?

You can feed baby mice kitten formula by diluting the formula by a two thirds. Mice do not do well with cows milk.

How do you know if baby mice are abandoned just found 2 in a nest?

Baby mice are adorable. I love them! You can tell the difference by searching around for their mother and if you can't find her wait in the shadows. If she still doesn't return it means they have been abandoned. Save those mice!

Is it OK to feed baby mice water?

You can feed baby mice water but they need more nutrients. Feed them a diluted blend of kitten formula, diluted twice as much as the directions say.

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small mice

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you can feed it either large grasshoppers or newly born mice... pinkie mice

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What do you feed a baby Garden snake over night?

if you can not provide mice, you can feed it about three small worms twice weekly. how much it will eat depends on the temperature it is stored in.

What should you feed your abandoned baby mice you know you should buy kitten milk but it is to late the pet shop is closed what should you feed them just 4 to night?

I'm guessing cheese and maybe normal milk. Milky cheese? That could help.

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