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You can take Cantharis 30 1drop every 2 hour interval along with plenty of water

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Q: What is the best treatment if the pus cells if the hpf is 30 35?
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Related questions

What does 1-3 hpf pus cell means in stool?

It is actually very normal to have some pus, or dead white blood cells, in a person's stool. This by itself is not cause for concern.

You had a 4 to 6 pus cells in your urinalysis is that normal?

i dont that having pus cells in the urine is normal,,because having pus is one of the signs of infection,,,It is considered to normal to have a level of 0-5/hpf pus in urine. The pus level of 4-6 means you're on the borderline. Refer to your doctor for the next steps.

Is 0-1hpf red blood cells and 0-2 hpf pus cells normal?

Is that a urine sample? Breast milk? Unable to evaluate without knowing what you're looking at.

What is normal range of pus cell in semen?

1 to 10/HPF is normal

Is there a homeopathic treatment for pus cells in semen?

40 active and 7 8 puss cells

What is the significance of having the result of 3-5 hpf pus cells in the urine?

Having white blood cells present in the urine is not cause for alarm if no other symptoms are present. If there are other symptoms, then a doctor should be consulted to see about the possibility of a UTI.

What does it mean when you have 30-50 pus cells in the urinalysis?

It means you probably have a urinary tract infection.

What is the best treatment if the pus cells if the hpf is 30-35?

Normally pus cells are high due to the Urine Infection or some other infection. So first step is to get the urine test done and urine culture done. If the infection is negative then below could be the reason. But also my experience says that high pus cells of 30-35 can be if the perosn has Diabetes with high sugar. If the person has High sugar level then the pus cells will be high in Urine. In this case one needs to monitor the high blood sugar and keep it under control. otherwise it takes longer to reduce these cells. In this case the antibiotics also do not work as there might not be infection. Thanks Shilpa M Agarwal ------------------- Hi Shilpa, I am need of your urgent help further on this urine test, for my mom. Please cal me up urgently on my Number : 9916142482

What will you do if you have pus cell in your urine?

If you have pus cells in your urine, you should complete a history and physical with your health care provider. S/he will determine if additional testing and treatment are needed.

When pus cells in urine is 40 -50 hpf?

A person can have pyuria(pus cells) even in absence of infection in presence of a foreign body like catheter and stones, as well as during healing phase after any urinary surgery. Second, presence of bacteria on a urine culture test does not always mean infection. Bacteria may be present in urine even in absence of infection if urine has not been collected properly or the sample has been stored at room temperature for more than half hour before it was processed, as happens to tests on samples collected at home and delivered to the lab later. A person can even grow bacteria in bladder without infection as in catheterised patients called asymptomatic bacteria and does no require treatment

How is 5-8 pus cells in urine?

pus cells showing in urine after using antibiotic ..what should do

What is meaning of pus cells occasional?

Stool Routine Examination--- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Form and consistency: Loose Colour: Yellowish Mucus: Nil CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Reaction: ACIDIC Reducing: Sugar: nil MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION PROTOZOA Vegetative form: not found Cystic form : not found HELMINTHS(Ova) : not found Vegetable cells : seen pus cells : occasional Fat droplets : not found Bacteria : present RBC : not found/HPF Undigested fat : not found