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Sam Houston State University.

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Q: What is the best university to become a forensic science medical examiner?
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Related questions

Where would you find a forensic science lab?

Most if not all states have a chief medical examiner who works in a forensics lab. The labs may be associated with the state dept of justice or public health. University medical centers may have forensic labs also.

Is there any doctor join schools for forensic science?

There are many careers in forensic science that require a doctor's degree. For example, a medical examiner is someone who looks into deaths which have occurred under suspicious circumstances.

What does a forensic computer examiner need?

You would need to take a lot of science classes to become a forensic computer examiner. A lot of computer classes as well.

What science classes do you need to become a medical examiner?

The #1 class you should take is pathology. Anatomy, clinical and forensic classes are mandatory, too.

Do forensic toxicologists have a MD?

If you are talking about the medical examiner, who interprets and reports the results of the toxicology screenings/tests, then yes - they are MDs. However, forensic labratory technicians who run the tests are not. Usually a Bachelor's degree with specialized training in forensic science is required.

Where can my son take forensic science classes near Dallas, TX?

When you need to find forensic science classes in Dallas TX, the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the locations, and lots of information about their forensic science courses.

Where are the schools for forensic science located?

There are many schools that offer courses in forensic science. Here is a link that will take you to some of the top schools Once you get your degree you can be employed as a medical examiner, work on the police dept., or a crime lab etc. These are just a few ideas of where and with whom you could work with if you got a degree in forensic science.

What are the main cause of neck pains?

When you need to find forensic science classes in Dallas TX, the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the locations, and lots of information about their forensic science courses.

Which colleges have forensic science departments?

The colleges that have forensic science departments include, but are not limited to, Pennsylvania State University in University, Syracuse University, University of Califonia, Davis, Boston University, Drexel University, and George Washington University.

Where can i find a forensic science school?

The top rated schools for forensic science are as follows: University of Mississippi, University of Central Florida, Loyola University of New Orleans, Michigan State University and Arkansas State University. Applications would need to be completed before admittance into any college and forensic science program.

Where do you go to learn about forensic science?

medical school

What Georgia schools offer forensic science?

Albany State University in Albany, GA. Offers forensic science as a major