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Q: What is the best way for the inventor to protect her investment if the invention of a new composite material for turbofan blades is susceptible to reverse engineering?
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What is the best for the inventor to protect his or her investment if the invention of a new composite material for turbofan blades is susceptible to reverse engineering?

a patent

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Use of scientific discoveries for practical purposes?

It's called "Engineering".

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mathematics, physics, astronomy, invention, and engineering

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What is it engineering?

engineering is a process or method by which we observe from our past inventions to to overpower it with a better one or make a whole new invention never before done in the history of mankind..........

What industry expanded because of the invention of the Bessemer process?

The iron and steel industry. Heavy engineering in general.

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How did Henry Sampson affect the world with is invention?

Henry Sampson affected the world with his invention of a binder system meant for explosives and propellants. He also invented a case bonding system, which was meant for propellants of cast composite.

Why was patent act introduced?

The goal of patent protection is to give inventors and researchers a period of monopoly in which they have a chance of recouping their investment in the invention.