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A common, but sometimes controversial way is done through a procedure called a colonic. A colonic procedure involves a tube being inserted in the anus and flushing out the colon with water. It is said to be effective, but can sometimes feel too invasive. A more natural way is to eat healthy fibers.

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The best way to clean and detox the colon is eat large amounts of fiber. Eating large amounts of fiber allows the body to naturally detoxify the colon and push it out of the body as waste.

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Q: What is the best way to clean and detox the colon?
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Understanding the Importance of Colon Detox?

There is much to be said about colons right now. The trend currently is to periodically do a colon detox, for health and weight loss. But before you decide whether you will attempt this for yourself, you should understand some basic facts about the colon; including what a colon detox is, what it will accomplish, and how it can be done. What is the Colon, and what does it do? The colon is part of the digestive tract. The colon takes the toxins that are found in your blood and lymph systems and removes them from your body. It includes the large intestine, rectum and anus. In addition to removing toxins from the body, the colon will also absorb minerals and water that the body requires. From the moment food is ingested until it finally exits the body as waste will typically take between 12 and 24 hours. However, if bowel movements are irregular or delayed due to irritable bowel syndrome or constipation, then toxins may build up in the colon. How do you know if your colon is functioning properly? The easiest way is to take note not only of how frequently bowel movements are, but also what the movement looks like. Bowel movements should ideally occur two to three times a day, shortly after a meal is consumed. The stool should be light brown in color, long and thick. It should float, and upon flushing should break apart easily. Finally, there should not be any terribly offensive odor. What is colon detox? As food sits in the colon, it has time to putrefy and ferment. Engaging in a colon detox will help your body to expel the remnants of this waste material, leaving patients feeling healthier. What good can a colon detox do? A colon detox will remove the final remnants of past wastes from your colon. Constipation and diarrhea will be eliminated. The risk of colon cancer will be reduced. Energy levels and immunity levels will be increased, and patients have reported as much as a 10 pound weight loss as a result. How colon detox can be done. There are herbs that can be taken to aid with detox. These include psyllium husks and Cascara Sagrada. Products are available that can also aid in this process. In addition, there are dietary changes that can make a big difference. Some of these include drinking larger quantities of fresh water, consuming more raw or steamed vegetables, fresh fruits and increasing the overall fiber intake. Processed foods, white sugar and bleached flour should be eliminated as much as possible.

Are water purifiers really the best way to have clean water?

The best way to have clean water, is to boil it. Water purifiers are a close second, and although they still clean your water, they are not the best way to have clean water.

What is the purpose of an oxygen colon cleanse?

A oxygen colon cleanse is a great way to clean out your colon which can allow for the comfort of stomach pain and also allows you to have a much cleaner body. This will allow you to feel a great bit better.

Is there any way to clean the toxins in colon without taking enema if we have phobia of inserting anything to anus?

Get over it.

What are the best detox tablets to buy?

I know that U-test conducted a study and rated Rescue detox as the most effective detox in general. they make rescue ice caps, which are pills. the company's phone # is on the box and you can call them with questions.