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You need to do a monthly self-examination of your entire body, looking for any changes in moles, warts, etc. Have your spouse, mom, brother, sister, etc., examine your back for you. If you see any that change in any way, such as size, color, shape, etc., or if they begin to itch or bleed, then you need to have a dermatologist examine you. If you do find anything that is suspicious, don't wait before having you doctor examine you. Malignant melanoma is the deadliest, fastest growing skin cancer, and early detection is crucial for a cure.

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Q: What is the best way to detect skin cancer early?
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Why is it important to detect cancer early?

If you catch skin cancer early, you have a good chance of surviving. If you let it get worse, you are risking your life. the sooner it is detected the better off you are if you dont detect it in its early stages it can spread and become less and less treatable as time goes on

What does skin cancer mean?

Skin cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in skin cells. There are several types of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and other types. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer worldwide. The main cause is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. The best defense for skin cancer is to avoid overexposure to sunlight. Early detection of skin cancer increases chances for a more successful recovery.

Do you need test for skin cancer?

Skin cancer, of which there are three variants, can best be diagnosed via a biopsy.

Which type of skin cancer grows fast and metastasizes early?


Can you die from skin cancer and how?

Yes. The deadliest skin cancer is malignant melanoma. It is highly invasive and must be diagnosed early for a complete cure to be possible.

Is cancer prevention ever completely possible?

Depends on the type of cancer. Some cancers if detected early can be taken care of. Other cancers can be prevented just by being careful. Like skin cancer for example. If you protect your skin out in the sun, you lessen the chance of skin cancer.

How to live with Skin cancer?

Every case is different. skin cancer such as malignant melanoma can be surgically removed if it is caught early enough, before it spreads very far. Early treatment is the key. Once skin cancer has spread throughout the body, it is no longer treatable, and the patient will probably die within months at most.

What are the earliest symptoms of skin cancer?

Some early symptoms of skin cancer include an unusual growth, change of color, texture, or size of a mole. Other symptoms include an infected area of skin that won't heal.

Will you get skin cancer if your mother has skin cancer?

Not necessarily, but it may be an indication that you are at increased risk of getting skin cancer. The best thing you can do is make sure you are taking the proper precautions when out in the sun and avoid using tanning / sun beds.

What is Hodgkin's disease and how do you detect it?

Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer of lymph tissue. One can detect Hodgkin disease from the symptoms it causes. Some of the symptoms are lump under the skin, fever, weight loss, tiredness and itching.

How to live with Cancer?

Every case is different. skin cancer such as malignant melanoma can be surgically removed if it is caught early enough, before it spreads very far. Early treatment is the key. Once skin cancer has spread throughout the body, it is no longer treatable, and the patient will probably die within months at most.

Skin Cancer Treatment?

Skin cancer is a potentially serious disease. Cancer is medical process where the uncontrolled growth of cells may create tumors and other potentially life threatening effects. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with skin cancer, treatment is a must. Skin cancer treatment involves many means of treatment. Treatment skin cancer may involve the use of surgery and drugs or both at the same time. The type of treatment someone may expect depends on multiple factors including the patient's age, the type of skin cancer and the stage at which it is discovered. Treatment for skin cancer will typically begin with a biopsy of the tissue. A biopsy is a procedure where parts of the skin cancer are removed. The parts are then examined under a microscope. This helps doctors determine what type of skin cancer is present as well as what stage the skin has progressed to during the course of the disease. After the cancer is examined, doctors perform tests to determine the stage of the cancer. Cancers are staged from zero to stage four. The prognosis best for stage zero cancers and most challenging for those with stage four cancer. Treatment skin cancer will vary depending on the stage of the cancer. In general, patients may expect to undergo one of several types of skin cancer treatment surgery followed possibly additional treatments. Typically such follow up options include radiation, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy and biologic therapy. A doctor will carefully examine the cancer to figure out what is best for the patient's needs. Most skin cancer patients can expect to undergo some form of surgery. If the cancer is caught early, treatment is a single surgery. During the operation, the surgeon examines the tissue and the site of the cancer. The surgeon is seeking to determine how far the cancer has progressed. He is also attempting to find out if the surgery successfully removed all the cancer cells. In many cases, the patient is informed that the best course of action is further treatment. Fortunately, treatment for skin cancer is often caught early. Even when caught later, the prognosis often quite good for long term survival.