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Q: What is the best way to flush diazepam out of your body?
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Can you flush lithium out of your body with water?

There is no way to flush the lithium out of your body with just water. You must also wait for you body to work this substance out on its own.

Can grape juice help flush out your body?

It's believed to be a good way to cleanse out the toxins in your body.

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Use a back flush detergent, back flush portafilter basket, and a clean towel.

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Buy a flush kit at Wal-Mart or auto parts comes with fitting adapters and instructions

Is twenty four diazepam and a bottle of wine safe?

no way!

What is the best way to flush marijuana from the system?

Ok, here is exactly what you do to...... wait, what are we talking about again?

What is the best way and safest way to dispose of I legal drugs?

The safest way to dispose of legal drugs is to take them to the police department or flush them in the toilet.

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Flush it down the toilet Don't buy it or grow it.

How do you clean pot out of the body?

There is a lot of detoxifies at your local tobacco store, but a effective way is to drink alot of water to flush it out of your system.

If you had a royal flush but also had a 9 would you still win?

If you have a Royal Flush the nine is irrelevant as you can only use five cards to make a poker hand. A Royal Flush is the best possible hand in poker, unless someone else also has a Royal Flush there is no way to lose, even if there is another Royal Flush you would win a split pot.

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The best way to get a bikini body is to eat healthy and exercise daily. Make sure that one's body is slim and appealing to men to achieve the dream bikini body.