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There are a couple of ways to increase the juice you'll get. One is the roll the lime on the counter top pressing down firmly. Basically your breaking up the flesh of the lime inside before you cut it in half. This starts the juice flowing. Another way is to put the whole lime in the microwave for around 10 seconds. Not so long that it gets too hot. The effect is the same. The heat breaks down the flesh in the lime so the juice is free to run.

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How do you make lime juice without lemons?

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Q: What is the best way to get the most juice from a lime?
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Does lime juice or water grow plants better?

the water clearly grows the plants better. the lime juice will just grow bunches of mold. the water clearly grows the plants better. the lime juice will just grow bunches of mold. the water clearly grows the plants better. the lime juice will just grow bunches of mold.

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lemons and limes there the same thing with differnt levels of sour lemon holds the most of the bitterness while the lime lacks in taste. they are easy to tell apart by ther diffent colors a lemon is yellow, and a lime is a dark green ( and no there are no pink lemons).

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अगर आपके शरीर में आयरन (Iron) की कमी रहती है, तो अंजीर को डाइट में शामिल करना अच्छा ऑप्शन हो सकता है. अंजीर ज्यूस का सेवन करने से आयरन की कमी को दूर कर सकते हैं. अंजीर में भरपूर मात्रा में कैल्शियम पाया जाता है, जो हड्डियों (Bone)को मजबूत बनाने में मदद कर सकता है. अंजीर ज्यूस का सेवन कर कमजोर हड्डियों की समस्या से बच सकते हैं.

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tomato juice

How do you preserve fresh guacamole?

Try adding lime juice to it. Or you can also put lettuce right on top of the surface of the guacamole, or some other vegetable or cover. Either way, the guacamole still cannot be preserved for too long.

Does cranberry juice clean pennies best?

I have not tried grape juice, but fizzy drinks (e.g. coke) and vinegar work well.

What mixes best with watermelon for a refreshing summer drink?

For a non-alcoholic drink, try mixing watermelon with fresh lime juice, ice and sugar. Adding chopped mint is a great way to boost flavor and freshness. You can also add watermelon to fresh lemonade for a new twist on an old favorite. For alcoholic drinks, I would recommend either gin, because it is refreshing on its own, or vodka. To make a watermelon daiquiri, mix cubed watermelon, rum, lime juice, triple sec and ice. Mix watermelon, cointreau liqueur, tequila, ice and fresh lime juice for a summery watermelon margarita.

What is the traditional way of producing the acid instead of using vinegar?

Citric acid is a good substitute for vinegar. Just use Lemon or Lime juice instead of vinegar.

What is the most bad kind of juice?

none but if you mix anything bad in it. that is why you should leave juice the way it is.

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vinegar is the best way to clean a penny out of the choices given.

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use lemon juice. most people say to use face paint but it always goes uneven.