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The best way to learn and not forget information that you read is to implement it through immediate use or teaching it to someone.

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Q: What is the best way to learn and not forget information that you read?
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u have the answer ,students read to forget dude ......!

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Some people learn best by seeing the information in words or pictures - those people understand what they read best when they read silently. Other people learn best by hearing - those people benefit by reading out loud. It really depends on what sort of learner you are. My opinion is, so long as you're reading, I don't care if you do it silently or out loud! Reading is one of the best ways to improve your mind.

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You could learn more about bypass surgery through the help of you doctor or surgeon they are the best people who could help you about it since they know evrything about it or you may read some forums about it

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I'll always forget what i learn?

Hello :) ..... Best way to remember what you learnt is to write note in class , and when u go home just read it a revise :) ....Or maybe when you were a kid you hit your head hard and it might of affected you in someway.

What is one of the best ways to learn how to write?

One of the best ways to learn how to write is to read a lot! The more you read, the more you see how it's done and how other writers write. Read as much as you can, then practice your own storytelling and write your own work.