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Q: What is the best way to rebound a pwc in the water?
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from the rear of the PWC over the stern

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What is the best way to re-board a personal water craft in the water?

Ensure the PWC is right side up and that the engine has stopped. Swim to the back of the PWC. If the PWC has a re-boarding step, use that. If the PWC has a grab bar on the back of the seat, use that. The basic idea is to grab onto something so that you can pull yourself up enough to get your knees onto the rear deck. Once you've done that, you can pull your body up.

What is the best way to board a person water craft in the water?

Ensure the PWC is right side up and that the engine has stopped. Swim to the back of the PWC. If the PWC has a re-boarding step, use that. If the PWC has a grab bar on the back of the seat, use that. The basic idea is to grab onto something so that you can pull yourself up enough to get your knees onto the rear deck. Once you've done that, you can pull your body up.

A PWC is overtaking another vessel Which vessel must give way?

the PWC

When a pwc is overtaking another vessel which vessel is the give way vessel?

the PWC

A sailboat and a PWC are meeting head-on. Which one is the give-way vessel?

the PWC

When a PWC is overtaking another vessel which vessel which vessel is the give-way vessel?

the PWC

What is the best way to avoid being run over by your own PWC?

wear an ignition safety switch lanyard

What is the best way to avoid run over by your own pwc or motorboat?

wear an ignition safety switch lanyard

What is the best way to avoid being run over by your own PWC or motorboat?

wear an ignition safety switch lanyard