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A good start to saving money for your child's college would be to invest in some savings bonds when they are born. Purchase additional savings bonds throughout the first eight years of the child's life and they will mature in ten years. You cannot cash savings bonds in until they mature. Therefore, you should not be tempted to cash them out early and use them..

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After the tuition and fees, room and board (if living on campus) have been satisfied, you can then estimate the students living expenses. Colleges and universities typically post estimated living expenses. How and how much money you dispense to the student should be based on a number of factors to include the following.

* College or university estimated living expenses for students * Transportation

* perceived or factual knowledge of students level of responsibility. * other expenses particular to a specific student need. Once you have that estimate, you can then decide on the appropriate way to allot the money based on the above. I would recommend you do not give the money on a semester bases. You can also use a joint debit card, and deposit money on a set time based schedule. In this way, you will know exactly how the money is being spent, where it is being spent, and the amount of cash withdrawals. You might want to do it on a biweekly or monthly bases. Again, it will depend on the student, his/her level of responsibility, organizational and management skills, level of maturity etc. First semester students go through a transition phase, especially if they have never been away from home before. Until they adjust, you should keep a close eye on how they handle themselves, yet without making them feel you are hovering over them, or showing lack of trust in them. The transition is hard enough on them without parental issues they may perceive as negative. Thus, always show support, and trust, however I would not be blind to what's going on either.

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Q: What is the best way to save money for my child to go to college?
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When can a parent start a college savings plan for their child?

There are several options for a parent to start a college savings plan for their child. Many parents do not start thinking about saving for college until their child is in their teens. Financial advisors say that it is best to begin a college savings plan once your child is born. This way parents can ensure that they will be able to save up enough money by the time their child graduates high school.

How will having a college saving plan help save time and money?

Having a college saving plan will help save time and money by investing little amounts of money a time and gaining interest over long periods of time. This way the funds are available right away when you need them by the time your child is ready for college.

An Easy Way To Save For College?

Saving for college is not one of the things teenagers think about, but it needs to be one of the most important ones. Parents can start saving for college when their children are young by putting money in a savings or trust account at the bank. The money will not be able to be accessed until the child is 18 or 21. The money in the account will gain interest over the years and anyone can put money into the account for the child.

What should I use for college education when it comes to each individual plan?

The 529 college are to help you save money for future college investments. It can be useful following this plan to save money during your college education.

How can I save for college successfully?

You can save for the cost of future college expenses by using qualified tuition plans, such as a 529. This is a good way to save money for future college expenses that you may incur.

How is the best way to save for college?

The best way to save for college is to slowly save enough every year in a tax deferred account like a 529 Savings Plan that are offered by your state.

How to Cover Your College Expenses?

The time to start to save money for college for your children's future educations is when their infants. However, it's never too late to start, if you've haven't already made it a priority to save money for college. It's helpful to understand the benefit of when you save money for college years before you'll need it. College tuition keeps rising, even outpacing inflation. This is particularly true for private colleges. Earning interest on the money you save now will pay off in the long run. A 529 plan allows you to save money for college that can be used at any school your child chooses. It can be used for any family member as well, including yourself. Also you don't pay interest on any earnings in the account. Try a shopping incentive website to save money for college. Sites like Upromise provide you with reimbursement for making certain purchases at grocery stores or online and deposit the money into an account. If you have kids going to college very soon and you haven't already saved in the past, a secondary source of income can provide you with the money needed to cover tuition and board.

Why should you save money at a younger age?

The more money you save at an earlier age, the more money you'll have saved up for college! If you have the minimum amount of money for a CD (Certificate of Deposit), save your money there, because that will give you a better interest rate on your money, and you probably won't need it before college. The more money you save at a younger age, the easier life is as you get older. Remember that you have the luxury to be risky with your money when your young. As you get older, the less chances you can take when it comes to investing. So, save when your young, live when your old.

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Child trust fund accounts are used for parents looking for a long-term savings and investment account to use in your child's future. It is typically used by parents looking to save money over a period of time to afford to send their child to college.

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They do not cost a lot of money if you start early. This is because of the power of compound interest. If you started to save a little as soon as a child is born, it can amount to a large sum. The later you start, the more it costs.