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There are lot's of different kinds of worms. Treatment varies by worm type and dog weight. The most common parasite is pinworms. If you KNOW your pup has pinworms because they're visible in the dog's stool and you KNOW what you're looking for, then Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension 1 ml = 50 mg Pyrantel base (as Pyrantel Pamoate). Dosage by weight is on the container.

It does not require a prescription and can be ordered inexpensively over the net. Pinworms can be passed from dog to dog, and dogs to people. The same formulation works for (was developed for) humans. It has a minty taste. In the last 5 years, I contracted them once from a dog whose owner was less than diligent in monitoring their dog (and I work with a lot of dogs). The parasites were eradicated with a single dose.

Your best option is to take a stool sample from your dog to your Vet and have him/her check the sample; then, ask about the efficacy of this product. Pinworms are no big deal unless left untreated. At the training kennel, we use it routinely.

It would be remiss not to mention this is NOT a heartworm preventative or cure. Talk to your Vet and ask about least expensive options.

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Q: What is the best worming treatment for 7 week old pup?
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