

What is the big stones of the Stonehenge called?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the big stones of the Stonehenge called?
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Why are the blue stones called blue stones at Stonehenge?

Because they have a bluish tinge to their colour.

How many stones at Stonehenge originally?

There are 92 stones at Stonehenge at the present time

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Which terms refers to one of the big stones used in the construction of a site such as Stonehenge?


What are the huge stones stood near amesbury called?

The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge

How many tons are all of the stones in Stonehenge?

It is believed that all the stones in Stonehenge weigh over 320 tons.

Is there more than one Stonehenge?

There are other round circles of standing stones in the UK but there is only one called "Stonehenge" near Amesbury, Wiltshire

Describe the general structure of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge consists of a circular setting of large standing stones, known as sarsens, topped by lintel stones in the center. The outer circle is surrounded by a circular earthwork bank and ditch. There are also avenues of stones leading away from the main structure.

How many stones does Stonhenge have?

Stonehenge is made up of an estimated 80-82 stones, consisting of large Sarsen stones, smaller Bluestones, and other stones in various formations.

Who was megaliths?

Giant stones (e.g. the Stonehenge stones) from prehistoric times.

This unique collection of huge stones has stood near amesbury wiltshire in southern England?

its called Stonehenge