

Best Answer

The african bush elephant in weight

The reticulated giraffe in height

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Q: What is the biggest land animal and its height and weight?
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The biggest animal on the land?

The biggest land animal is the African elephant, and the biggest water animal is the blue whale. Whales are much bigger than elephants.

What is the biggest animal in the world on land AND in the water in the present?

The biggest animal on land is the Elephant AND The biggest animal in water is the Blue Whale

What is the biggest animal that lives on land?

The African elephant (male) is the largest land animal.

How does the biggest land animal look like?

Well, the largest land animal is the African elephant.

Which land animal has the biggest eyes?


What was the biggest animal they had in the Colosseum?

an elephant! It's the biggest land animal and it was used lots, not for killing but for entertainment.

Why are elephants the strongest animals?

the African elephant is not the tallest it is the biggest on land the giraffe is the tallest animal on land. because that is the way God made them.

What is the biggest land predator in the animal kingdom?


Who is the Biggest Animal on the land?

Currently, African elephant

What are some good animal questions?

a good animal question to ask is "what is the biggest animal" or "how many sea animals are there" or even "is the elephant the biggest land animal"

What is the biggest animal on the planet?

Blue whale is the largest animal of all times. The recorded weight of this animal was 190 tonnes with the length of 30m. Largest living land animal is African Bush elephant which has an average weight of 100 kg at the time of birth. The largest elephant recorded was a male having the weight of 13.5 tons and a length of 10.6 m (from trunk to tail) with a shoulder height of 4.2 m. Polar bear and brown bear are the largest living land carnivores having the weight of 1 ton and height of 3m. The largest living reptile is saltwater crocodile with the length of 5 m. The largest recorded crocodile had a weight of 1,900 kg and 6.3 m length. Having 5.8 m height giraffe is considered as the tallest living animal on the land. Its weight is approximately 2,000 kg. Ostrich is the largest living bird having a height of 2.7 m and a weight of 156 kg. Chinese giant salamander is the largest living amphibian having a weight of 64 kg and 1.83 m length. Whale shark is the largest living fish having a length of 13.6 m and 22,000 kg weight. Colossal Squid is the largest invertebrate which attains the maximum size of 14 m long. The largest recorded size of colossal squid was measured 10 m long with a weight of 494 kg. Goliath beetle is the heaviest beetle having a weight of 115 g and a length of 11.5 cm. I HOPE THAT I HAVE BEEN USEFUL TO YOU! :D

Who is the big animal of the world?

I think the biggest animal in the world is the blue whale.