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Q: What is the biggest signed integer that can be coded in X bits?
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What is the biggest integer that can be coded binary in X bits?

2x -1

What is the range of signed integer that may be stored in 20 bits?

From -524287 to 524288

How many bits do you need to encode any signed integer between -1000 and 1000?

11 bits (which actually allows -1024 to 1023)

What is the highest decimal number that can be represent by 8 binary bits?

The highest unsigned integer is 255; The highest signed integer is 127.

What is the largest positive number that can be stored using 8 bits?

An N-bit integer holds 2N different values.For an unsigned integer, the range of values is 0..2N-1 thus.For a signed integer using 2s complement, the range is -2N-1..+2N-1-1.Therefore, the largest positive number that can be stored using 8 bits is 255.

Decimal equivalent of the largest binary integer that can be obtained with 11 bits?

What is the decimal equivalent of the largest binary integer that can be obtained with (a) 11 bits and (b) 25 bits?

What is the largest decimal number that can be represented using 6 binary bits?

The largest unsigned integer is 26 - 1 = 63, giving the range 0 to 63; The largest signed integer is 25 - 1 = 31, giving the range -32 to 31.

What is short integer?

In computer programming, a variable can be (among other things) an integer or a long integer. An integer can be any whole number in the range of -32,768 to 32,767 A long integer can be any whole number in the range of -2,147,483,648 tp 2,147,483,647 I have never heard of an "integer" variable being called a "short integer" but it makes a kind of sense. Note: The size of integer types is platform-dependent, but usually: short: 16 bits int: 32 bits (16 in archaic systems: MSDOS OS Windows16) long: 32 bits (64 in unix64) long long: 64 bits

How many bits are needed to represent decimal 200?

8 bits if unsigned, 9 bits if signed

What is the largest value that can be stored in 64 bits represented in hexadecimal?

0xffffffffffffffff As an unsigned 64-bit integer, this represents the value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. However, as a signed 64-bit integer, this only represents the value -1. The signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 making 0x7fffffffffffffff the largest possible positive value, and 0x8000000000000000 the smallest possible negative value.

What are the difference between signed and unsigned data types?

A signed integer represents both positive and negative values, while an unsigned integer represents only positive values. Range depends on the number of bits the compiler assigns for the representation. bits max-negative max-positive max-unsigned 8 -128 +128 255 16 -32768 +32767 65535 32 -2147483648 +2147483647 4294967295 64 -9223372036854775808 +9223372036854775807 18446744073709551615

What is range of 8 bit unsigned integer?

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