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Q: What is the binary covalent compound phosphorus pentabromide?
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Is phosporous pentachloride a binary ionic compound?

No, phosphorus pentachloride is not a binary ionic compound. It is a covalent compound formed between phosphorus and chlorine atoms. Binary ionic compounds are formed between a metal and a nonmetal.

What is the binary covalent compound formula of phosphorus trichloride?

The binary covalent compound formula of phosphorus trichloride is PCl3, where P represents phosphorus and Cl represents chlorine.

What is the example of binary covalent compounds?

A binary covalent compound is one that contains two substances joined by covalent bonds. For example, two nonmetals often join together to form covalent compounds. So, P2O5 (phosphorus pentoxide) is a binary covalent compound. H2O (dihydrogen monoxide) is another one. This is in contrast to binary ionic compounds, which are salts, and are formed by a metal combining with a nonmetal with ionic bonds.

Is Al203 and N203 a binary ionic compound or a binary covalent compound?

Al2O3 is a binary ionic compound, while N2O3 is a binary covalent compound. Binary ionic compounds consist of a metal and a nonmetal, while binary covalent compounds consist of two nonmetals.

Is dinitrogen teroxide a binary ionic compound?

No, dinitrogen teroxide (N2O4) is a molecular compound, not a binary ionic compound. Binary ionic compounds are formed between a metal and a nonmetal through the transfer of electrons, while molecular compounds result from the sharing of electrons between nonmetals.

Is CsBr an ionic compound?

Yes, CsBr (cesium bromide) is an ionic compound. It is composed of cesium (Cs) and bromine (Br) ions held together by ionic bonds, where Cs loses an electron to become a cation and Br gains an electron to become an anion.

What formula represents the binary molecular compound phosphorus trichloride?

Phosphorus trichloride is represented by the formula PCl3.

Which formula represents the binary molecular compound phosphorus trichloride?


What is the formula for the binary covalent compound sulfur hexafluoride?


In a binary covalent compound how many ions are there?

In a binary covalent compound, there are no ions. Covalent compounds consist of nonmetal elements that share electrons rather than transfer them to form ions.

What is the formula for the binary covalent compound carbon tetrachloride?

The formula for carbon tetrachloride is CCl4, where "C" represents carbon and "Cl" represents chlorine. Carbon forms four covalent bonds with each chlorine atom in the compound.

What is the formula for the binary covalent compound nitrogen trihydride?

The formula for nitrogen trihydride, a binary covalent compound, is NH3.