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it's late bound

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Q: What is the binding time of array size in Python?
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What is the difference between a fixed size array and a variable size array?

The obvious answer is that one has a constant size while the other does not. More specifically, a fixed-size array is one where the size is known at compile time and does not change at runtime. By contrast, the size of a variable-sized array may or may not be known at compile time but may change at runtime. We often refer to a variable-size array as being a dynamic array, however some people (myself included) incorrectly refer to a fixed-size array as being a static array. The misunderstanding largely comes from the fact that we often refer to the heap (or free store) as being dynamic memory because all dynamic variables are allocated there (including variable-size arrays). But the term dynamic array does not refer to the memory, it refers to the dynamic -- as in changeable -- nature of the array itself. By contrast, a fixed-size array is only deemed static if it is statically allocated, in which case it will be allocated in the program's data segment along with all other static variables, global variables and constants. But a local fixed-size array is allocated on the program's stack and is therefore, by definition, non-static. Moreover, you can allocate a fixed-size array on the heap!

How do you access last index of an array if the size is set during run time?

For an array of length s, the last element has index s-1.

You can use a variable to declare an array's size true or false?

True and false in the same time, because even so you can declare array size using notation for variables you have use constwhich makes your variable basically a constant:const int arraySize = 10;In Java, you can use any expression to define the array size, when you create the array. Once you create an Array object, however, you can't redimension it - but you can create a new Array object and destroy the old one.

What are the design issue for array?

What is its size? How is its size determined and when (compile/run-time). What does the software using the array do when the array is empty? partially full? full? Avoid the software addressing elements of the array which are undefined, or addressing elements outside the bounds of the array When and who is responsible for allocating and freeing memory when the array is no longer needed (program or called procedure start/termination) or some other time determined during program execution. If the array is implementing a data structure such as a stack, queue, dequeue, list, etc. What is its implementation of the usual data structure operations, Create, Empty, List Items, Top, First, Last, Next, etc.

Why would you use the array of pointers to pointers?

You would use an array of pointers to pointers whenever you wished to implement a dynamic multi-dimensional array of 3 or more dimensions. Every multi-dimensional array can ultimately be reduced to a one-dimensional array where each element is itself a one-dimensional array (an array of arrays). With fixed-size arrays, all elements can be allocated contiguously regardless of how many dimensions there are. Fixed size arrays can be allocated both statically (when the size is known at compile time) or dynamically (when the size is unknown at compile time). However with large arrays it is often necessary to divide the array into smaller subarrays each of which is allocated separately (non-contiguously with each other) and maintain a separate array of pointers to keep track of each of those subarrays. Although this consumes more memory than a contiguously-allocated array would, it has the added benefit in that each subarray need not be the same length, thus it can actually save memory overall. However, if we had several such arrays then we would need yet another array in order to keep track of them all, and this array would need to be an array of pointers to pointers.

What are limitations of array?

1) Array is a static data structure. Hence it has to be declared with a fixed size. Changing the size of the array involves procedures like relocation, freeing memory space, etc2) They hold elements of the same data type. Hence they are not suitable for storing and working with different data types. 3) Insertion and deletion in any place other than the end of the array has a time complexity of O(n).

What is tunable array?

Arrays are the cheapest data structures, without much overhead compare to other data structures. Basically in array, we have four types i.e1. Static array - array size known at compile time.// example code snippet:char array[10];2. Dynamic array - array size known at begging of execution time.//example code snippet:char *array;int num_elements;//Dynamic memory allocation using malloc library call which in turn uses "brk" // or "sbrk" system call under unixarray = (char *)malloc (num_elements * sizeof(char));3. Stretchable array- array size can be stretched(modified) during execution time.//example code snippet.char *array;int num_elements;array = (char *)malloc (num_elements * sizeof(char));//Modify the memory allocation during execution time using realloc library callarray = realloc (array, new_value);4. Tunable array- array size known at link time.Suppose consider you have one object file called sample.o(compiled sample.c)and header file called sample.h.ISV's (Independent software vendors) usually won't provide you the source code(In case of proprietary software), instead they will provide you the object file and one corresponding header file which contains some symbolic literals (some # define constants). so that you can change the symbolic literals in header file which takes necessary action when you compile both file together.//example snippet code:In sample.cchar arr[MAX_SIZE];In sample.h# define MAX_SIZESuppose now if you change the symbolic literal "MAX_SIZE"in header file sample.h that will affect the size of the array arr at link time.Basically static array's are fall under the category of "Static Memory allocation" and remaining all will fall under "Dynamic Memory allocation".

When was Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time created?

Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time was created in 1994.

When did Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time happen?

Monty Python's Complete Waste of Time happened in 1994.

What is the running time of transforming an arbitrary array into heap?

Building a heap from an arbitrary array takes O(n) time for an array of n elements.

What is the term given to the memory allocation that takes place during run time rendering the resizing of an Array?

A reallocation. Note that whenever we reallocate an array, we increase the size of the current allocation if there is sufficient free memory beyond the current allocation or we allocate entirely new memory if there isn't. But when we reduce the size of an array, we simply release the redundant memory at the end of the array; we never allocate new memory. However, because the amount of memory being allocated has to either increase or reduce in size, both are termed a reallocation.

Can you change the base address of an array during run time?

If the compiler allocated the array at compile time, or if the array was automatically allocated as a local variable, then no, you cannot change its base address at run time. If you allocated the array at run time from the heap, you can change its base address by allocating a new array, copying the old elements from old to new and deleting the old array.