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I think what you are asking is what are the parental rights if someone else obtains custody? If this is your question then the answer depends on why someone else has temporary custody. Is CPS/DCFS/DSS involved and did they remove the children? Was there are guardianship hearing that awarded someone temporary custody? If there is indeed a temporary custody order in place your parental rights are determined by the court governing said order.

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Q: What is the biological parents rights if givin up temporary custudy?
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The parents no. Their rights are taken away. They have no say in what happens to those children. They are not their parents anymore. The courts can only if they find a reason why you are unfit. If not then no. The parents can sue for custudy as they are the biological parents but living conditions, why the parents gave them up to begin with all these questions will be asked. Utimately it is what is best for the children. $$$

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A biological parent is automatically the legal guardian of his or her minor child unless they voluntarily relinquish parental rights or the court terminates those rights to their child. Temporary custodial/visitation/support issues are decided at the time divorce papers are filed, the permanent decisions are finalized at the time the divorce decree is granted.

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A step parent does have some rights, but they are extremely limited. In Wisconsin, step parents do have rights regarding day to day care, BUT their rights are subject to the wishes of the biological parent that they are married to. As regards parental rights, a step parent is not considered a parent, but a legal guardian. In all major decisions (custody) or major events, a step parent does NOT have rights, nor can they contest a parent's rights in court unless they can prove a danger to the child would occur. In fact, a step parent who interfears with a biological parent's rights in any way can be held in Contempt for doing so. In ALL matters regarding the children, the rights of the step parent is ALWAYS trumped by either biological parent, unless a judge interseeds. In joint custody arrangements, both parents have equal rights, no one parent is above the other, no matter who has the children more, and a step parent cannot be a tie-breaker unless both parents agree. Only a judge, federal law, or state law can overrule or remove a biological parent's rights. The bottom line is the rights of a step parent in Wisconsin are VERY limited and are always subject to the biological parents.