

What is the birth name of Robert Jarvik?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Robert Jarvik's birth name is Robert Koffler Jarvik.

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When did Robert jarvik die?

Robert Jarvik Hasn't died yet.

Did Robert jarvik have any children?

Yes. Tyler Jarvik, and Kate Jarvik.

What is Robert Jarvik's birthday?

Robert Jarvik was born on May 11, 1946.

When was Robert Jarvik born?

Robert Jarvik was born on May 11, 1946.

Did Robert jarvik get credit for his invention?

Did Robert Jarvik get credit for his invention???Yes, in fact, a lot of people think Robert Jarvik got too much credit. He was actually working with a partner, but Jarvik did most of the inventing. Robert Jarvik is known worldwide, and saves lives with his inventions worldwide. Robert Jarvik did get credit for his invention of the artificial heart.

How old is Robert Jarvik?

US inventor Robert Jarvik is 71 years old (birthdate: May 11, 1946).

What did Robert Jarvik do?

Invented the Jarvik artificial human heart, and I presume the medical procedure to 'install'

What does Robert Jarvik's mom do for a living?

i have NO clue . haha .

When did Robert Jarvik live?

He's still alive

Does Robert Jarvik have kids?

Yes, Tyler and Kate

How did Robert jarvik save lives?

he played games

Who is Robert Jarvik Married to?

he is married to Marlilyn vos Savant