

What is the black mold on carrots?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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10y ago

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One day I went out to eat and my carrots looked black. It didn't look like mold, but i wasn't sure so I didn't eat them. Later, at home a took a carrot and placed it over a match it formed a black ring just like the one in the restaurant. So, if you ever have a carrot with a black ring in it is from a fire or it is sometimes mold.

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because mold is really distict from other things such as black mold. black mold is just plain black with little white patches.... that how i tell it from anything else

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The length of time it takes for a carrot to mold depends a lot on the environmental factors. Carrots left in heat can begin to mold in a few days.

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The best way to get rid of black mold is to use bleach containing products. The mold causes severe allergic reactions in people who have breathing problems.

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ITS DISGUSTING!!! i don't know a person that would eat black mold

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Yes! If you have black mold in your home have it professionally taken care of immediately. Black mold is so TOXIC that in small infants and toddlers it has been known to cause death.