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Mine once went to 39/30, but I was in the hospital. Doubt if I'd still be around if I was anywhere else.

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It depends on the cause of death,

if they're conscious then it's probably within normal limits.

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0 over 0 - you're dead!

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Q: What is the blood pressure of a dying person.?
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Should a cancer patient always be given pain medication when their body begins to shut down or is it true that a dying person has no pain if their blood pressure is very low?

true i think a dying person should be given pain medications and i dont think that low blood pression automatically constitutes no pain.

Why does a person have his blood pressure checked on a regular basis?

Why does a person have his blood pressure checked on a regular basis?

How does blood pressure make blood move though the various regions of the cardiovascular system?

Blood pressure is the actual pressure of blood traveling in the arteries of the body. Blood pressure is caused by the force of a pump (the heart) pumping blood into the arteries which have tight walls. The pressure of the blood results in the blood circulating just as water pressure will result in water circulating to any pipes attached to a water pump. When a person has very low blood pressure the blood does not circulate much and the person is said to be "in shock." When a person has no blood pressure the blood does not circulate at all and the person is dead.

What effects blood pressure?

the mood the person is is can affect their blood pressure such as depression and angry..

Does shingles cause high blood pressure?

The pain from shingles can cause a person's blood pressure to spike.

What can affect a person blood pressure?


How many pints of blood can a person lose before dying?

You can lose 4 pints of blood after that you're dead.

What is the normal blood pressure of person?

80 and above

Does a radioactive environment increase the blood pressure in a person?


What is the pressure of blood pumping through the blood vessels is constantly too high?

This would mean that the person has high blood pressure and the medical term for this is hypertension.

Where can I find a good blood pressure chart to print off?

A person can find a good blood pressure chart to print off a chart at any medical facility. A person can also find a blood pressure several times per week.

Where in systemic circulation is Blood Pressure highest?

What position is blood pressure normally the highest and lowest?If a person was sitting, reclining, or standing, which position would cause the blood pressure to be highest and lowest?Also, if there was an increase in blood viscosity, cardiac ouput, and diameter of the arterioles would this constitute to an increase in blood pressure as well?blood pressure (BP) is usuall lowest standing position and highest in supine (reclining) position. This is because the blood return to the heart is decreased when standing. is at its highest when we exercise and lowest when we sleep.