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The blood type diet is a diet based on a specific type of food for a specific type of blood. For example, a person with type A blood should eat an organic vegetarian based diet.

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Q: What is the blood types diet and is it effective?
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What types of diets should different blood types follow?

While different diets may prove to be more or less effective for different people there is no link between a diet's effectiveness and blood type. When starting any diet you should always seek the advice of a medical professional.

What type of diet is best for a type a positive blood type?

A positive blood types should aim for a vegitarian diet. These blood types have a hard time digesting meat and protein. The digestive enzymes found in Type A blood types allows for better digestion of carbohydrates.

Where can I learn more about a diet based on a person's blood type.?

There are diets that exist based on blood types. Various blood types are thought to thrive on specific types of diet. People with some blood types function better on high protein diets, and others are better eating mostly vegetables or grains. What type of diet one should choose depends on what their blood type is. You could talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to determine what diet would work best for you.

What food is best of positive blood types?

There is no scientific correlation between blood type and diet. A healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, lean protein and water will benefit you and your blood regardless of type.

What recipes are appropriate for AB blood types?

Yes, they have a relationship together. Different blood types have different characteristics in diet. There are well-suited recipes for AB blood types as well.

Does eating have to do with blood types?

There are certain foods that are better for certain blood types. For example, people with type B blood type should focus on a dairy centered diet. A person with type A should focus on an organic vegetarian diet.

Is there really a diet for people who have different blood types?

Yes different diets are needed for people who have different blood types. There is no one cure-all diet for everyone. People need different diets for different needs and not everyone needs a diet.

What food for blood types do i intake?

Most blood type diets are based on the idea that certain blood types require special diets for optimal health. Type O blood type should choose a high protein diet. Type A blood type should choose a vegetarian diet. Type B blood type should choose a balanced omnivore based diet. Type AB blood type should choose a mixed and moderate diet. Furthermore, diets based on blood types have not been proven.

Is there a special diet for blood type a positive?

There is no special diet for the different blood types. It is a common misconception. Just eat a balanced diet, and everybody will be good. Drink water too.

Is a blood type diet better than a regular diet?

The blood type diet goes by how the different types of blood can process foods. This helps because certain types cannot process proteins well as others and also some cannot process vegetables or dairy products well.

What specific foods are beneficial for certain blood types, specifically Type A and Type O blood?

Both A and O blood types benefit from a diet high in deep ocean seafood and avoiding dairy. That is where any similarities end. Type O blood types thrive on a diet containing mostly protein while limiting dairy and grain. Type A types benefit from a mostly vegetarian diet limiting red meat.

What is the name of the diet based on blood type?

Blood diets can sometimes be dangerous. Try a diet based on hormones like the HCG diet. It's very effective and has great results. You can buy it cheaper if you buy it online.