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Q: What is the bmi of a malnourished person?
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What is considered malnourished according to the World Health Organization?

According to the WHO, a person with a BMI (body mass index) under 18.5 is malnourished. To calculate your BMI, see the related link.

Why do we need to know about BMI?

To know if we are normal,malnourished or obese

What is the BMI for a 140 pound person who is 65 inches tall?

to measure your bmi you also need to know your weight as bmi is your body fat based on height and weight. go to this site to mease your bmi

What is the BMI of a person that is 5'7?

You need the mass as well as the height to calculate the BMI.

If a person is 250 lbs and 5'10 what is her BMI in kilograms?

you don't measure bmi in kilograms but your bmi is 35.9 which is obese x

What does malnuourished mean?

When you say malnourished , you refer to a person who is suffering from malnutrition .

Can someone with a bmi of 17.7 be admitted to hospital?

Yes, a person with a BMI of 17.7 could be admitted to the hospital. A 17.7 BMI is considered underweight.

What should you eat if you are malnourished?

When a person is malnourished, a doctor will give the patient a specialized diet. Some things to eat are bread, rice, vegetables, fruits, and milk.

What is over and under malnourished?

Under malnourished means that a person is too skinny and not eating the right amount of food. Over nourished means a person is overweight or obese because they are eating too much of the wrong foods.

What does a BMI of 18.35 mean?

A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

What is a sentence for malnourished?

The dogs were very malnourished when they were rescued.She looked malnourished so they called an ambulance.

What is mean by -3standard deviation in bmi?

BMI varies from person to person and one measure of this variability is the standard deviation. Assuming the BMI is approximately normally distributed, only around 0.135% of the people will have results that are -3 sd or lower.