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Q: What is the boiling point and freezing point o Celsius?
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What is freezing cold in degrees celsius?

It is the freezing point of water and equivalent to 32 degrees fahrenheit it is freezing!

Is the boiling point of water is o degree celsius?

No, it is not.

What are the freezing and boiling points of water on the celsius scale?

32 and 212 for F0 and 100 for CWater freezes at O Celsius and boils at 100 Celsius.

What is the boiling and freezing point of the Fahrenheit scale?

Of water, 212 and 32 degrees, respectively.

O is F P of W on C S?

0 = freezing point of water on Celsius scale

What is the freezing point of water in all three temperature scales?

No, it is not. The freezing point of pure water at sea level pressure is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Adding impurities or more pressure will make the water freeze at a lower temperature but, nothing will make the water freeze warmer.

Why is the melting point and freezing point of water 0 degree Celsius and is 0 degree celsius warm or cool?

For ice to melt it must absorb heat energy to break down the molecular lattice structure. For water to freeze it must be able to lose heat energy. So whether the water is melting at 0o or freezing at oC depends on whether the surrounding temperature is higher or lower than zero.

If a substance has a temperature of 273 kelvins what is its temperature in degrees Celsius?

Remember the three different temperature scales. They are Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit. 273K = 0oC = 32o F At this temperature it is the Freezing point of water or the melting point of Ice. Also 373K = 100oC = 212oF the boiling point of water. NB In the 'Kelvin' Scale , the degree symbol ( a little superscript 'o') is NOT shown. However, it is shown in the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. NNB OK ( Zero Kelvin) is the absolute minimum temperature ; '??all molecular motion stops'. NNNB The freezing point of helium is 4K(-269oC) and its boiling point is 6K(-267oC).

On the Celsius scale at what temperature does water evaporate?

It will evaporate at any temperature, as long as the humidity is less than 100%. It does evaporate much faster at higher temperatures though. Technically the boiling point of pure water is 100 degrees C, so that is the temperature at which it becomes gas.

Why does a clinical thermometer not start with at 0 while some lab thermometer even start at -5 degrees celsius?

clinical thermometers use alcohol while lab thermometers use mercury,while alcohol has a freezing point of -112 o c mercury has freezing point of -39 o c

Does salt affect the temperature of boiling water?

yes. it lowers its temperature. the NaCl is broken apart by the H2O so that the Ions (Na + Cl + H + H +O) are floating around. No new chemical compounds are formed because nothing is precipitated.

How is a mixture o heptane boiling point 98C and heptanol boiling point 176C?

well well well i was asking for the answer..??