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No, it is not.

The freezing point of pure water at sea level pressure is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Adding impurities or more pressure will make the water freeze at a lower temperature but, nothing will make the water freeze warmer.

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11y ago
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11y ago

no, I am pretty sure (90%) that the freezing point for water is 0 and under degrees celsius

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14y ago

Under atmospheric pressure, the boiling and freezing temperature points are, respectively, 100 and zero on Celsius scale and 212 and 32 on Fahrenheit scale.

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8y ago

Freezing point: 0 oC and 30 oF
Boiling point: 100 oC and 212 oF

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6y ago

On the Fahrenheit scale they are 32 and 212.On the Celsius scale they are 0 and 100

On the Kelvin scale they are 273.15 and 373.15

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13y ago

C 0 f 32 -?

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3y ago

No it is o degree

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Q: What is the freezing point of water in all three temperature scales?
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What does melting point and freezing point mean?

There are three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid. The melting point is where a solid turns to liquid. The freezing point is where a liquid turns to solid.

How is boiling point and melting point related?

Boiling points and melting points are temperatures at which change of phase occurs to liquids andsolids. Some substances, such as water, have a TRIPLE POINT temperature at which all three phases (solid, liquid, vapor), exist simultaneously.Boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which its phase changes into vapor and the melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid. The solid and liquid phase of a substance exist in equilibrium at the melting point. The reverse change from liquid to solid is referred to as the freezing point. The freezing point of a substance is often determined by observing the temperature at which a solid begins to change into a liquid, which is actually the melting point, because a characteristic property of some substances is their ability to supercool.

What are the three properties of a solution?

1. Vapor pressure lowering: the decrease in vapor pressure with increasing the number of solute molecules in solution. 2. Boiling point elevation: the increase in boiling point with increasing number of solute molecules in solution. 3. Freezing point depression: the decrease in freezing point with increasing number of solute molecules in solution. 4. Osmotic pressure

What is one characteristic property of a substance?

i will give you three....melting point, boiling point, freezing point and one more is density

What happens at triple point?

One interesting use is to define a temperature standard - the triple point of water (or any substance, for that matter) is at a very precise temperature. On the other hand, the melting point or the boiling point depends on pressure.One interesting use is to define a temperature standard - the triple point of water (or any substance, for that matter) is at a very precise temperature. On the other hand, the melting point or the boiling point depends on pressure.One interesting use is to define a temperature standard - the triple point of water (or any substance, for that matter) is at a very precise temperature. On the other hand, the melting point or the boiling point depends on pressure.One interesting use is to define a temperature standard - the triple point of water (or any substance, for that matter) is at a very precise temperature. On the other hand, the melting point or the boiling point depends on pressure.

Related questions

What three standard points define the common temperature scales?

Absolute zero, melting/freezing point of pure water, and boiling point of pure water.

Where will the three scales of temperature meet?

The scales of temperature cannot all meet, as the Kelvin and Celsius scales have the same size degrees but different zero points. Absolute Zero is 0° Kelvin, and equal to -273.15 °C or -459.67 °F. Because the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are offset by 32° at their starting points (freezing point of water), the two scales do have a common numerical point at -40° (minus 40 degrees). (see related question)

How are three temperature scales alike?

All three scales are measured in consistent intervals based on temperatures of known physical phenomena. The Celsius and Kelvin scales are both based on the same intervals (degrees), as determined between the freezing and boiling points of water - they only differ in the established zero point (see related question)

What are the three diffrent types of scales that mesure and teputure?

The Absolute scale (degrees Kelvin) which starts at absolute 0. The Centigrade scale that starts at the freezing point of ice. The Fahrenheit scale that starts at the freezing point of brine.

Who devolped the three temperature scales?


If a substance has a temperature of 273 kelvins what is its temperature in degrees Celsius?

Remember the three different temperature scales. They are Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit. 273K = 0oC = 32o F At this temperature it is the Freezing point of water or the melting point of Ice. Also 373K = 100oC = 212oF the boiling point of water. NB In the 'Kelvin' Scale , the degree symbol ( a little superscript 'o') is NOT shown. However, it is shown in the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. NNB OK ( Zero Kelvin) is the absolute minimum temperature ; '??all molecular motion stops'. NNNB The freezing point of helium is 4K(-269oC) and its boiling point is 6K(-267oC).

On this temperature scale water boils at 100 degrees?

There are three main temperature scales in use: degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Of these three, the boiling point of water at STP is 100 degrees Celsius.

Temperature is measured in what three scales?

Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.

What are three types of temperature scales?

Fahrenheit, centigrade, kelvin.

Explain why the boiling point and the melting point can be used to help identify substances-?

It's because substances have different boiling point and freezing point. By finding the exact boiling point and freezing point, you can identify a substance. Keep in mind that a material's melting point is the same as its freezing point. These are just different terms for the same thing, it just depends on whether energy is being removed from a substance (freezing) or if energy is being added to a substance (melting). The same thing also applies to the boiling/condensation point.

How many degrees is negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing temperature of water?

In Fahrenheit the freezing temperature is 32 degrees. negative three degrees would be 35 degrees below freezing.

What does melting point and freezing point mean?

There are three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid. The melting point is where a solid turns to liquid. The freezing point is where a liquid turns to solid.