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Q: What is the bone which runs between the two sets of ribs?
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What are the two sets of muscles running between the ribs called?

They are called the intercostal muscles

How many sets of ribs do babies have?

Well........ I will say that babies have 300 bones in there body so i will say that will include your ribs too so here is information that you need i hope you enjoy it hahahahahahhaahhahaha Looooool

How many ribs does a male?

Supposedly women have 24 ribs where males only have 23. This is because God took one rib from Adam Who originally had 24 ribs but since God took one from him to create Eve women have 24 ribs and men only have 23

Do female and male gorillas have the same amount of ribs?

Female and male animals of any species have the same number of ribs. The story in the bible about Adam's rib is a myth. Men and women have the same number of ribs, and every other bone. Gorillas and other apes are no different.

The ribs attached directly to the sternum are called?

These are called true ribs.True ribs (costae verae) are the first 7 sets of ribs, and they are directly attached to the sternum through the costal cartilage.

How many bones in women chest?

25There are 25 bones in the chest. One of these bones is the sternum. The sternum lies near the top center of the chest, in between the rib cage. The other 24 bones consist of 2 sets of 12 ribs, found on each side of the chest cavity. These bones are very important in providing protection to vital organs and the ribs specifically allow for breathing by expanding and contracting.

How many ribs does a cat have?

13 pairs including the floating ribs that do not connect to the sternum.

Which sets of bones protect the lungs and liver?

The rib cage protects the lungs, liver, and other soft organs.

Which ribs are not attached to the sternum?

Only the true ribs are attached to the sternum the false ribs (3) and the floating ribs (2) are not directly attached. The flalse ribs are attached indirectly via cartillage and the floating ribs are not attached at all.

What is the scientific name for true ribs and false ribs?

The "true" ribs are the first 8 ribs of the horse's rib cage (there are 18 total ribs). They are the true ribs because the attach to both the vertebrae above them and the sternum below. I found this in a book-Chapter 35 of Saddles by Russel H. Beatie. Hope this helps.

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What body part lies lateral to the sternum?

Well, lateral means "next to", which refers to the ribs (or cartilage connecting the ribs to the sternum). Depending on which portion of the sternum you are referring to, you will end up at a different rib, which are numbered from top to bottom, 1 - 7. There are 12 sets of ribs total, but only 7 are "lateral" to the sternum.