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Q: What is the bottom portion lining a doorway or window called?
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What is the lining of the large intestine called?

It is called intestinal lining. Simple.

What is the tissue lining the uterus called?

The lining of the uterine cavity is called the "endometrium". It consists of the functional endometrium and the basal endometrium from which the former arises

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The reflective layer in the lining of the eye is called the tapetum lucidum.

What is the beautiful lining of clam and mussel shells called?

the beautiful lining is called, mother-of-pearl

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it is called the leabhart

What is the surgical removal of the lining of a portion of a clogged carotid artery leading to the brain is known?

Carotid endarterectomy is the process to remove the plaque on the lining of a clogged carotid artery.

Lining of the heart is called what?


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The ribbon-like folds on the inner lining of the mitochondrial membrane are called cristae.

What are pieces of the inner lining of the uterus called?

The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium.You are probably searching for the word "Endometrium".

Each month the lining of the uterus is sloughed off in a process called menstruation This lining is the?


What is the lining of the lungs?

The parietal pleura.Pleura is the outer covering of LungsThe pleurae are the membranes covering the lungs.The membrane is called the pleura, which is named the parietal pleura for the portion of the membrane covering the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura for the portion of the membrane covering the lung. The potential space between the visceral and parietal pleurae is called the pleural cavity.its called pleural membrane surrounding the lungs n also contain pleural fluid reduces friction during breathing

What is the inside lining of the eye called?

The Retina