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Q: What is the boundary between the mantel and core?
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What is the boundary between the outer core and the inner core?

the boundary between mantel and crust is mohorovisic the boundary between mantel and core is guttenberg

What is the layer of earth between the crust and core?


What is the boundary between mantle and core?

The boundary between the mantle and the core is called the core-mantle boundary and also The Gutenberg Discontinuity which marks the upper boundary of the D'' (D Double Prime) layer.

What the boundary between the core and mantle?

The boundary of mantle and core are called Gutenberg Discontinuity

What thick layer of rock is between the earth's crust and core?


Boundary between earth's crust and mantle?

It is called the Mohorovičić discontinuity or the Moho for short.It was one of the fist features of the Earth's interior that was discovered using seismic waves. In 1909, Andrija Mohorovicic discovered this boundary and it was named in his honor.

What is the upper mantel?

The upper mantel is the part of the mantel nearest to the Earth's surface. It is a little cooler than the lower mantel therefore more viscous, or pasty, than the lower mantel. Temperatures range between 932 °F-1,652 °F. at the upper boundary with the crust to over 7,200 °F at the boundary with the core. Although the higher temperatures far exceed the melting points of the mantle rocks at the surface (about 1200 °C for representative periditute), the mantle is almost exclusively solid. The enormous lithostatic pressure exerted on the mantle prevents "melting," because the temperature at which melting begins (the solidus) increases with pressure.

What is the part of the core that is liquid?

The Mantel is the part of the core that is liquid.

What is the layer just outside of the outer core?

Mesosphere or you could call it the deep mantle.

What type of plate boundary is caused by a downward convection current in the mantel?

A destructive plate boundary.

What is boundary between the mantle and outer core?

Gutenburg Discontinuity

The liquid layer of earths core between mantle and inner core?

Gutenburg Discontinuity