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Astronomy. Correct answer ASTROMETRY

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Q: What is the branch of science concerned with celestial bodies?
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What is the study of celestial bodies?

Astronomy: Noun: The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

What is the same between astronomy and astrology?

Astronomy is a branch of science that deals with the study of (non-earth) celestial bodies in the universe, such as stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies.Astrology is based on the belief that celestial bodies influence human lives. It isn't regarded as a science (more as a pseudo-science).Both astronomy and astrology deal with the study of celestial bodies.

What is astronomy in science term-definition?

The branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole. I hope this helps you out.!! :)

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Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the properties, composition, and structure of matter.

What is the meaning of astonomy?

Astronomy is a branch of science which focuses on the study of celestial or heavenly bodies or objects such as stars, planets, moons and galaxies. It is one of the most ancient and fascinating branch of science. It gave us information about things that we did not know.

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How is astronomy defined?

Astronomy is a branch of physics investigating celestial bodies and phenomena.

Which branch of astronomy deals with magnitude and positions of celestial bodies?

astrology. astrology deals with positions of celestial bodies to determine one's future , past etc. URANOMETRY

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What is the study of celestial mechanics?

Astronomy: Noun: The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.