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Q: What is the breakage of a mineral not along planes of weakness in the crystal structure called?
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What do scientist use to study the crystal structure of mineral?

What_do_scientists_use_to_study_the_crystal_structure_of_a_mineral?">What do scientists use to study the crystal structure of a mineral?Crystal_shape_is_a_property_of_minerals._There_are_six_basic_crystal_systems_that_describe_crystal_structure._Scientists_use_X-rays_to_study_the_crystal_structure_of_a_mineral._They_can_use_the_structure_of_the_crystal_to_identify_the_mineral.">Crystal shape is a property of minerals. There are six basic crystal systems that describe crystal structure. Scientists use X-rays to study the crystal structure of a mineral. They can use the structure of the crystal to identify the mineral.

Is coal not a mineral because it has a crystal structure?

No. Coal is not a mineral for two reasons: it lacks a crystal structure and it is organic.

Dose malachite have a crystal structure?

Yes, the mineral malachite does have a crystal structure.

What is a physical characteristic determined by the arrangement of the atoms within the mineral?

A mineral crystal. Minerals form a crystalline structure.

Does each piece of mineral have the same the same crystal structure?

No. Each mineral has its own structure.

Why isn't oxygen a mineral?

A mineral by definition is a solid with a crystal structure.

Can crystal melt?

Yeah, you can melt anything if you get it hot enough. Be sure not to confuse the terms crystal and mineral. A crystal is made of a mineral, the fact that it is a crystal, simply means that it's atoms are arranged in a periodical and static way, in the crystal structure. This structure falls apart as soon as the mineral melts, so a molten mineral can not be called a crystal.

Do all minerals have have crystal structures?

By definition, a mineral must have a crystal structure.

A crystal structure is characteristic of what?

atomic packing arrangements of ions, atoms etc. A crystal structure is a characteristic of a mineral.

Is halite a crystal?

Halite is a mineral with a crystalline structure.

Can each piece of a mineral have the same crystal structure?


Can a mineral have the same crystal structure as another mineral?

Absolutely. For example, Galena and Halite.