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Q: What is the breaking down of rocks into smaller sediments?
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the answer is procces of breaking down rock into smaller and smaller sediments

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What do sediments and beaches have in common?

well, beaches are made of sediments and both are rocks broken down into smaller pieces

What is it called when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces called sediments?


What is the prosess of weathering?

Weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces .


Is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles by a natural process cause by water, wind, cold and heat, and gases. Small particles created by weathering are called sediments. 

What is an antonym for lithification?

Erosion or weathering are antonyms for lithification. Erosion refers to the processes that break down and remove rock and soil, while weathering is the process of wearing down or breaking apart rocks and minerals at or near the Earth's surface.

What Is the process of breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces?

It is actually called weathering, but if your talking about the process of rocks breaking down into smaller pieces by physical means it is called Mechanical Weathering, by chemical means it is called Chemical Weathering.

What is breaking rock into sediment called?

The breaking down of rocks into sediments is called weathering. This is one of the critical stages of soil formation as it breaks a rock into small particles.

When rocks are eroded and they break down into smaller pieces of rocks and minerals called what?


What is the definition of chemical weathering in a science textbook?

The breaking down of large rocks into sediment, or smaller rocks, and changing the rock into another substance

Breaks down rocks into sediments?

Wind and water