

What is the brightness of a nebula?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the brightness of a nebula?
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The helix nebula is more close than the ring nebula, as well as much brighter and larger than the ring but with low surface brightness.

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Since,Nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen gas, helium gas and other ionized gas so it's antonym can be clearness and brightness

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The Crab Nebula is a nebula.

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M27 (dumbbell nebula) the dumbbell nebula is also known as messier 27,M27 or NGC 6853 is a planetary nebula is in the constellation Vulpecula at a distance of about 1,360 light years. This object was descoverd by Charles Messier in 1764.At it's brightness of visual magnitude 7.5 and it's diameter of about 8 arcminutes,it is easliy visible in binoculars,and a popular observing target in amateur telescopes.

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The Stingray Nebula (Hen 3-1357) is a planetary nebula. (The youngest known).

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a type of nebula

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"The Crab" is a nebula.

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A cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust and planetry nebula is one of the types also called ring nebula or A planetary nebula is an emission nebula consisting of a glowing shell of gas

What is the difference between a emission nebula and a reflection nebula?

Emission nebula glow and reflection nebula reflect the light form other stars