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probably just a blister. I get them sometimes if I've worn rubbing shoes all day. They usually go away on there own, if given time. If you do decide to pop it (i do), make sure to do it from the side of the bump, close to your skin. This way, after all the fluid is let out, the thin layer of skin falls on top of it, protecting it.

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Q: What is the bump on toe and has a clear liquid if poked?
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What is a bump on my toe?

cause you fussed

What is a hard bump at the base of a toenail?

A hard bump at the base of a toe could be a bunion. There are several remedies available including shoe inserts.

What is the clear sticky substance coming out of my toe?

its called web

What is a Bunion?

A bunion is an enlargment of the bone. It is also know as Hallux Valgus. This is a deformity of the bone involving the big toe and the foot. This deformity can be vary painful. A bunion is a bump at the joint of the big toe.

Where is a horses toe located under the hoof?

A horses toe CAN NOT be located under the hoof, but it can be found on the leg, if you run your hand up the back of your horses leg afew inches up from the hell of the hoof you will find a rather solid bump, that is a toe, although sometimes some have bigger one's then others, it is still considered the horses toe. ;)

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A black line on a toe nail may be a bruise under the nail. See a doctor if this does not clear up on its own in a few weeks.

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Most liquid soap dispensers are opened by twisting or pressing on the top or bottom of the dispenser. Look for any markings or symbols on the dispenser that indicate how to open it, or try twisting the top or pressing down to see if it unlocks. If unsure, check the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidance.

What does a toe infected look like?

Red, Swollen, and possibly containing pus, blood, or clear seeping liquids.

Name something you might do that would make you curse?

Stubbing your toe, dropping something valuable, or receiving bad news are all potential situations that could make someone curse.

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Size 4 is much easier to catch because it is larger and easier to cradle. Size 3 soccer balls are very small and less predictable when toe poked.

What are the names for our toes?

First toe (Big toe) Second toe (Index toe) Third toe (Middle toe) Fourth toe (Fore toe) Fifth toe (Baby toe)

What is the name toes?

Hallux (big toe) Second toes (long toe) Third toe (middle toe) Fourth toe (ring toe) Fifth Toe (pinky toe, baby toe, or little toe)