

What is the burning temp of paper?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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13y ago

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Paper will catch fire without being exposed to a flame at 451 degrees. People think that this is the temperature in which it burns but it is really the temperature in which it catches fire by itself.

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9y ago
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13y ago

It depends on the physical properties of the paper, its composition, manufacturing process (residual chemical off gassing), its millage etc. as a general rule cellulose (the main component of most "papers") begins outgassing in a Pyrelletic process at around 165-180. At that point it can and will ignite with any external spark. Paper begins to combusts on its own at 450 degrees Celsius (NOT Fahrenheit).

It is a common myth (urban legend) that paper starts to self ignite at 451 F (Fahrenheit) The myth most likely originated with the book and subsequent movie Fahrenheit 451.

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13y ago

Let me answer this by asking this: "What is the title of (what is arguably) the most famous novel by Science Fiction writer Ray Bradbury?" HINT: It's a book about a future society with firemen who ban and burn books.

Of course, the real answer to this question depends upon what you mean by "paper" -- the composition of the "paper" involved. There are many different kinds of "paper", each with different chemical compositions and, thus, combustion points.


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1w ago

Paper typically ignites around 451 degrees Fahrenheit (233 degrees Celsius). However, the exact temperature can vary depending on factors such as the type of paper and its thickness.

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7y ago

According to the physics fact book, the temperature at which paper will spontaneously ignite on its own is 451 degrees Fahrenheit, or 233 degrees Celsius.

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