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The calm center of a hurricane is called the eye of the storm.

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Q: What is the calm center of a hurricane call?
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Related questions

Where is the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is at the center of the storm's rotation.

What is the area of calm in a hurricane?

The area of calm in a hurricane is called the eye. This is the center of the storm, and when it passes the storm will rage again until it dies or moves on.

What is in the center of the hurricane?

The center of a hurricane is an area of calm winds called the eye of the hurricane.

What is an eye is the calm center of a?


What is the calm center of the circulation in a hurricane?

The eye, and, you know, that has a martial arts analogy; a hurricane is powerful, because its center is peaceful.

What is a special feature of the center of a hurricane?

The special feature at the center of a hurricane is a calm area called the eye.

Exactly what is the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is an area of calm clear weather at a hurricane's center.

Where is the calm area in a hurricane?

It is at the center of rotation of the storm.

What is in the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is a relatively calm area at the center of a hurricane with no rain, and sometimes clear skies.

Does a tornado have a calm spot?

Yes. Many tornadoes have a calm center similar to the eye of a hurricane.

Does a hurricane have a calm center?

Quite often, yes. This center is called the eye of the storm.

Part of a hurricane is called the' eye of the hurricane'?

The eye of a hurricane is the calm, often clear area at the center of rotation of the storm.